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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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With a bit a luck lets hope so. And lets support those making it happen.


At least they will have two tower blocks in France and Belgian for refugees


---------- Post added 25-06-2016 at 00:28 ----------


Apparently I am racist and selfish according to my daughter's social media posts. I'm still got a few years before retirement, so I expect I can become more racist and selfish as I get older.


Or, maybe some people just don't like democracy when they don't agree with the result.


Besides, It's quite well researched that people have a heightened sense of responsibility towards future generations as they in turn become more aware of their mortality.


If they don't think that the older generation has considered them, then rest assured that is their perception and not the older generation's.


Most of our laws and cultural norms are a result of years of debate by people that pushed off this mortal coil years ago, the selfish bar stewards.


well said totally agree

Edited by phil752
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Just kids who have been sucked in. My other half who is normally very cynical was like talking to a tape recording of gove and Johnson Brexit sound bites. Their arguments were the only ones she knew. Leave were actually very effective at getting their message across.


I'm not surprised that some people now think they made a mistake. By the same token though there will be people who voted remain who also could have ended up regretting it.

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Im glad we are out . If the EU was so good for us. why do we have long waiting times on NHS or cant get appointments at doctors or Schools Full . or firms shutting and going abroad ?? why is there so much pressure on the police or NHS staff ? or Housing ? for that matter Why are some in EU now thinking of leaving ??

Why cant we send those that have done us wrong in our country back to there own ?


answer simple EU not working !!

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Im glad we are out . If the EU was so good for us. why do we have long waiting times on NHS or cant get appointments at doctors or Schools Full . or firms shutting and going abroad ?? why is there so much pressure on the police or NHS staff ? or Housing ? for that matter Why are some in EU now thinking of leaving ??

Why cant we send those that have done us wrong in our country back to there own ?


answer simple EU not working !!


No, because we had a succession of bad governments!

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what utter rot, one guy thought is vote would not count and another thinking there would be cheaper alcohol, duh. Burt as you said it was tongue in cheek.

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at least it dealt a blow to the ttip deal :)





Britain's looming exit from the European Union is another huge setback for negotiations on a massive U.S.-EU free trade deal that were already stalled by deeply entrenched differences and growing anti-trade sentiment on both sides of the Atlantic.


The historic divorce launched by Thursday's vote will almost certainly further delay substantial progress in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) talks as the remaining 27 EU states sort out their own new relationship with Britain, trade experts said on Friday.


With French and German officials increasingly voicing skepticism about TTIP's chances for success, the United Kingdom's departure from the deal could sink hopes of a deal before President Barack Obama leaves office in January.


"This is yet another reason why TTIP will likely be postponed," said Heather Conley, European program director at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank in Washington.


"But to be honest, TTIP isn't going anywhere, I believe, before 2018 at the earliest," she said.


U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman said in a statement on Friday that he was evaluating the UK decision's impact on TTIP, but would continue to engage with both European and UK counterparts.


"The importance of trade and investment is indisputable in our relationships with both the European Union and the United Kingdom," Froman said. "The economic and strategic rationale for T-TIP remains strong."


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better the devil you know rather than the devil you dont know? surely?

having a chance at "fixing" the EU from within instead of cutting off your nose to spite your face and jumping into years of uncertantity?


There was no reform in the EU Junker said as much. So the only way was out


---------- Post added 25-06-2016 at 01:53 ----------


Is it me or is anyone else fed up of the Scottish tail trying to wag the dog

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There was no reform in the EU Junker said as much. So the only way was out


I do honestly despair; you voted out because Juncker said 'no more reform' on Wednesday?


He said there would be no reform or amendment to the deal that David Cameron concluded in February. He absolutely did not rule out any EU reforms in future. He was saying don't expect any last minute offers to persuade you to back Remain. How can you not have realised that?


4%. How many votes did Remain lose to people who can't read properly? Or even listen to the words from his own mouth, spoken in English!!


“We concluded a deal with the Prime Minister. He got the maximum he could receive and we gave the maximum we could give, so there will be no kind of renegotiation, on the agreement we found I think in February nor as far as any treaty negotiation [is concerned]. Out is out."



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Just wait till the border control moves from Calais to Dover mossdog and we see kids floating face down in the English Channel. Sadly I believe some of the Leave Brigade would happily man gun turrets on the south coast taking pot shots at desperate people.


Desperate people ?

Leaving 'safe' France, to get to our shores by dinghy ?

That's just sheer madness !

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