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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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.........makes you wonder why millions of Labour people voted leave!

They certainly voted leave in Sheffield!

So are the majority of Labour people in Sheffield thick and idiotic for voting leave?

Some remainers on here would think they are!

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So 1 day later here is what we know about leaving the EU so far -


We might possibly gain some control over our borders but will likely still have free movement of labour with EU countries. People in the leave campaign are now denying it was ever about immigration.


We will get a trade deal with the EU that is worse than our current arrangements


We have given control of all our spending to the Government who historically focus on the south east


We will have at least 3-5 years of uncertainty when nobody can have any idea if any financial decisions they make are going to work out and multinational companies will be looking at anywhere but the UK for investments.


We have a massively increased chance of another recession and wide scale job losses and we have guaranteed job losses from the companies that are already planning their exit from the UK.


The leave campaign actually did a pretty good job of convincing the ordinary person that it was about stopping immigration and saving £350m a week. 1 day later and we already know that was complete nonsense. It's pretty clever that they have got their own way by tricking people into thinking it was a vote against the establishment when in reality it just gives more control to a different set of people who don't always have the interests of the ordinary person as their main priority.


It sort of feels like everybody lost except the small minority who actually knew what they were voting for and are understood the real consequences. :)


We are leaving the EU because of a failure to listen to, and respect, the concerns of the majority.


People voted to leave the EU out of frustration and desperation. For years and years it has been well known that the vast majority of people were fed up of EU laws and policies and the impact they had on their lives - in particular policy on immigration. The political elite, and the vocal minority that support open borders, just didn't want to know because they knew best. Instead of compromising, they opted to carry on force feeding the general public in the arrogant belief that the plebs will not bite the hand feeding them. They were wrong and now the chickens have come home to roost.


The EU needs the support of majority and dismissing the concerns of the majority is what has brought us here and it is nobodies fault but those who refused to make compromises during the many years when they had the opportunity. But you carry on deluding yourself that it is just a stupid public that have been tricked into this. You carry on treating people with the contempt that brought this about. You keep pushing people away.

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The political elite, and the vocal minority that support open borders, just didn't want to know because they knew best.


Personally I wouldn't have traded a bit more control on our borders for years of financial pain. The people who will be making the agreements recognise that free movement of labour can't go away.


But you carry on deluding yourself that it is just a stupid public that have been tricked into this.


You don't have to be stupid to be lied to.


Remember that this decision doesn't mean that us ordinary people are in charge now we've just given all the control to our own government and they've always made decisions in our best interest haven't they! :)

Edited by Cynic
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.........makes you wonder why millions of Labour people voted leave!

They certainly voted leave in Sheffield!

So are the majority of Labour people in Sheffield thick and idiotic for voting leave?

Some remainers on here would think they are!


I wouldn't worry about a few whiners. One person moaning a thousand times isn't the same as a thousand people moaning once each. I wonder if they think that their moaning is going to alter the result.

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So 1 day later here is what we know about leaving the EU so far -


We might possibly gain some control over our borders but will likely still have free movement of labour with EU countries. People in the leave campaign are now denying it was ever about immigration.


We will get a trade deal with the EU that is worse than our current arrangements


We have given control of all our spending to the Government who historically focus on the south east


We will have at least 3-5 years of uncertainty when nobody can have any idea if any financial decisions they make are going to work out and multinational companies will be looking at anywhere but the UK for investments.


We have a massively increased chance of another recession and wide scale job losses and we have guaranteed job losses from the companies that are already planning their exit from the UK.


The leave campaign actually did a pretty good job of convincing the ordinary person that it was about stopping immigration and saving £350m a week. 1 day later and we already know that was complete nonsense. It's pretty clever that they have got their own way by tricking people into thinking it was a vote against the establishment when in reality it just gives more control to a different set of people who don't always have the interests of the ordinary person as their main priority.


It sort of feels like everybody lost except the small minority who actually knew what they were voting for and are understood the real consequences. :)


But this is what we have got to look forward to :)



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This is what I responded to, the statement that 'at least we can vote our leaders out, unlike the unelected EU dictators'.


I'd like to see a Brit voting someone out, it isn't possible, it never has been. You vote someone in. You can't vote someone out. It is also a complete nonsense that the EU has unelected dictators.


If you vote someone in you are voting someone out, a university degree and you cant see that.

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We are leaving the EU because of a failure to listen to, and respect, the concerns of the majority.


People voted to leave the EU out of frustration and desperation. For years and years it has been well known that the vast majority of people were fed up of EU laws and policies and the impact they had on their lives - in particular policy on immigration. The political elite, and the vocal minority that support open borders, just didn't want to know because they knew best. Instead of compromising, they opted to carry on force feeding the general public in the arrogant belief that the plebs will not bite the hand feeding them. They were wrong and now the chickens have come home to roost.


The EU needs the support of majority and dismissing the concerns of the majority is what has brought us here and it is nobodies fault but those who refused to make compromises during the many years when they had the opportunity. But you carry on deluding yourself that it is just a stupid public that have been tricked into this. You carry on treating people with the contempt that brought this about. You keep pushing people away.


Rhubarb. The vast majority of leave voters couldn't name 5 EU laws that impacted them negatively if you put a gun to their head.

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Personally I wouldn't have traded a bit more control on our borders for years of financial pain. The people who will be making the agreements recognise that free movement of labour can't go away.


Well now you know most would.


Of course the free movement of people can go away - the rest of the world trade without it and so do other trading blocs. Remove this so called 'pillar' on which the EU is built and you will find the whole thing doesn't come tumbling down. Fail to retain popular support for the EU project and it will.


The UK just kicked one pillar down... who'll be next? Netherlands? France? Italy? Denmark? Sweden? Austria? Czechoslovakia? There are plenty of other nations fed up too and I suspect it will only take one or two more pillar for it all to come to an end. A summer of continued mass migration from the dysfunctional Muslim world is only going to turn more against the EU.


You don't have to be stupid to be lied to.


Indeed, and there was plenty of lying on both sides of the debate. The problem for the Stay side is that, fundamentally, most people are sick of the EU and the only chance it had of winning was to scare people into submission. Don't confusion capitulation for support.


Remember that this decision doesn't mean that us ordinary people are in charge now we've just given all the control to our own government and they've always made decisions in our best interest haven't they! :)


That was the only goal... put the decisions in the hands of our government who we hold 100% to account. No unelected bureaucrats we cannot remove and no sharing parliamentary votes with the rest of Europe on any matters other than those directly related to trade. Full sovereignty and democracy... principles worth suffering financial risk to regain.

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This is what I responded to, the statement that 'at least we can vote our leaders out, unlike the unelected EU dictators'.


I'd like to see a Brit voting someone out, it isn't possible, it never has been. You vote someone in. You can't vote someone out. It is also a complete nonsense that the EU has unelected dictators.


"unelected dictators" is a massive exaggeration. The EU does have weak democratic accountability, but it is not absent.

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Free movement of Labour may not end - Brexit MEP


The appearance of pro-Brexit Tory MEP Daniel Hannan on BBC’s Newsnight on Friday night is causing some indignation.


After Nigel Farage’s admission on Friday morning that the official Leave campaign claim that it could spend money recouped from Europe on the NHS was “a mistake”, Hannan told the BBC that Brexit would not necessarily end free movement of Labour. Newsnight presenter Evan Davis was a bit taken aback, given the core immigration message of the leave campaign:

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