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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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That's apples and oranges.


The point was that some people complain about "EU laws", without knowing what laws are the problem.


You don't have to be able to name an MEP to know that they are working in the EU.


I don't know any EU laws that I would say have hurt or harmed me, but there probably are some.


However, I can name several (or at least name the directive around which our laws were framed) that are of benefit to us all.


So you can't name any of the MEP's then?


The problem with EU laws is that they have to apply to all 28, soon to be 27 and falling further?, member states.


As a result there is a lot of compromises are made and even then some nations will be happier with the laws made than others. Some laws we can veto but others we are stuck with them whether we want them or not.


Human Rights? Great rule to protect those who most need it but falls foul when we want to deport serious criminals who commit offences on our shores.

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Tough. The Lisbon treaty says its up to us to apply to leave. They can wait.


This is what the EU are waiting for,they will make a statement from Berlin soon,is there anybody ready to take charge of Brexit negotiations in the UK?..........UK access to the single market is already on the table

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I am already laughing at the prospect of the UK having no access to the single market as the germans seem to be suggesting now.


Well folks. All of you who voted for leave. Ask boris and farage for that money and jobs. Because the government will spend billions putting out fires from the damage this leave will cause to the economy to even try any sort of investment. I am looking at you barnsley.


I am leaving the Uk anyways. Glad i won't be around to see the country become broke

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Calm down dear,


"Claims by the mayor of Calais that the city's migrant camps would transfer to England were also dismissed by the French President Francois Hollande."



I posted it more as an example of EU countries attitude to Brexit rather than a serious suggestion of what might happen. You can't really blame Calais for wanting to pass the problem on to someone else.


Well done though for providing a current French refutation of it rather than something from last October as someone else did.

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Think I'm going to take up digs with the McBoyfriday Clan, never thought I'd find fraternity with any kind of nationalist or mourn the passing of a Tory prime minister.


Hiya BF long time no speak, I hope you're doing well my friend



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Who is going to negotiate Brexit conditions with the EU?.........the EU want you out ASAP.


It's pretty simple. The UK is going through a process leading towards exit from the EU.


Apparently this is done by invoking Article 50 (of the Lisbon Treaty?). We have had a referendum. We (in the form of our government) will then decide whether to bow to the will of the referendum (I presume it will), and at some point in the future (it looks like being over 3 months away according to DC's resignation speech), the new leader (on behalf of the government) will invoke Article 50. Then, and only then, will negotiations start, regardless of what the EU want us to do. It is possible that the UK government may want some extra time to think about the type of independent UK it wants, and so may delay even further before invoking article 50.


The point is that nothing need happen until we push the button and invoke article 50, and until we do we don't need to speak to the rest of the EU about it, regardless of what they want.


Having said all that, I would hope that just as a matter of planning, there will be, (and probably already has been just in case) some informal talks about how brexit could be achieved.

Edited by Eater Sundae
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