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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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If our economy wasn't almost entirely dependent on the financial sector and credit this would be much less of a problem. If Osborne had rebalanced the economy towards manufacturers, a run on share prices would be less of a worry. But he's left us at the mercy of another financial crisis.


Indeed. If I was him I'd get the hell out of Dodge

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Just accept that people who are not usually listened to by those in power and privilege have now spoken out, it is our Country respect our decision.


I respect the decision. Did I say I didn't? I think, personally, this is going to come and haunt those that voted leave, but who knows. All we can do now is wait and see.

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Lol, welcome to a brave new world order.

I read this before I went down to the shops for a loaf thinking I may need to take my rifle with me.

But guess what? People were going about their business and I bought my loaf without hinderence, well the traffic was a bit busy but let's not put that down to leaving the EU just yet.

I dare say next week I will go for my loaf again and there will be no change.

Just accept that in this democracy, I shall say it again, democracy, the majority of the people have spoken so let's just get on with it.

And for all you naysayers, if you know for certain what the future holds why are you not running the country?

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A reason why?,

"The £100bn parasite bankers: City sharks work through the night to make a killing on the result of the referendum"



You've just handed those bankers a lot of power and a lot of uncertainty whether they should stay in London. So you get the best of both worlds, bankers making a killing in the crisis and bankers taking their huge tax-paying packages abroad if they don't get their way.


Good luck!

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I respect the decision. Did I say I didn't? I think, personally, this is going to come and haunt those that voted leave, but who knows. All we can do now is wait and see.

stiff upper lip old chap :D we ventured out of the eu because we were fed up of other countries telling us how to run our country. it looks like we got the hat trick in winning 2 world wars and now the war with the eu :hihi: . well done the british people for doing what they think is right :thumbsup:

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