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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Everyone with a right to vote could do just that. Some chose to leave, some chose to remain, some chose postal votes, some chose not to exercise their right to vote. The rules were even bent to allow more time for people to register. The people have spoken. It was close, 48% of voters didn't get the result they wanted. They have to respect that 52% did, just like the 52% have to respect that 48% didn't.


It was a fair system with every vote counting, quite unlike in the last General Election.


The rules were bent - therefore it should be rerun - Farage (rhymes with Garage) even said this (before the result)

Many people who had registered didn't get their vote due to administrative errors - therefore it should be rerun.

Not everyone could get to their voting stations - it should be rerun.

Why hold it when students were away from their registered addresses - should it be rerun?


Tell you something - if it was rerun, the percentage difference would be greater (one way or the other).

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I cannot believe Anna Soubry, this morning on BBC, saying 'this is down to white working class people who in the face of it have probably never even seen a migrant!'

Are these elected representatives really so out of touch with ordinary people?


The areas of England that voted leave were by and large those with low immigration (and coincidentally high levels of structural support from the E.U.) where areas with higher immigration have tended to vote remain.

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So 36.55% of eligible voters impact on the other 63.45%...


No, 52% of the voters who could be bothered to vote did so.


Everyone is entitled to vote; its not compulsory and if you don't use it you live with the impact of those use theirs.

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I`m not sure if this subject is buried in another thread so I`ll start this one, moderators can move it if they feel that`s right. I don`t as it happens this should be a subject all on its own, i.e. easily findable.


Has anyone added their name to the petition calling for a rerun of the referendum ? When I signed it it had nearly 1.8 million signatures.

Their argument is no the one I`d have used its :


EU Referendum Rules triggering a 2nd EU Referendum


We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based a turnout less than 75% there should be another referendum.


I think a stronger argument would be that the electorate were lied to with the infamous statistic (which, apparently, a large number of the less informed electorate actually believed) about the £350 million pounds a week the EU cost us. Even Farage admits that was a lie.

I`m 100% certain that if the referendum was rerun there would be a different result. People would be voting on what has actrually happened in the last 36 hours, and what could happen in Scotland etc. I also think that people under 16 should be given the vote in this particular referendum (not General Elections) on the basis they`re definitely going to be affected by it for the rest of their lives.


Remember this isn`t like a General Election, once we`re definitely out, that`s it.



i guess if the IN had won by the same margin, no doubt it would have been a over whelming victory

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You may have missed this too. Nick Clegg wasn't Prime Minister. But if he had been he may well have been in a position for his government to abolish tuition fees. Indeed I'm rather pleased that he wasn't. Having paid my own tuition fees I didn't really feel inclined to be taxed a bit more so I could pay the tuition fees of others as well.


You might have missed the point - manifesto pledges aren't legally binding




In the same way that a referendum result isn't legally binding...



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So 36.55% of eligible voters impact on the other 63.45%...


You've not quite got this voting thing understood I see.


You'd prefer it if 34.7% of the eligible voters impact on the other 65.3%.


The reality is that 51.9% of those that voted (the majority) impact on the 48.1% that disagreed. The 13m that couldn't be bothered to vote, can't be bothered by the result really.

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David Lammy MP urges Parliament to ignore EU referendum result: 'We can stop this madness'.


"We can stop this madness and bring this nightmare to an end through a vote in Parliament. Our sovereign Parliament needs to now vote on whether we should exit the EU.


"The referendum was was an advisory, non-binding referendum. The Leave campaign's platform has already unravelled and some people wish they hadn't voted to Leave.


"Parliament now needs to decide whether we should go forward with Brexit, and there should be a vote in Parliament next week.


"Let us not destroy our economy on the basis of lies and the hubris of Boris Johnson."




And that's how you lose an election.

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The areas of England that voted leave were by and large those with low immigration (and coincidentally high levels of structural support from the E.U.) where areas with higher immigration have tended to vote remain.


Tell that to Boston please, I'm sure they'd like to hear your point of view.

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