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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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I`m not sure if this subject is buried in another thread so I`ll start this one, moderators can move it if they feel that`s right. I don`t as it happens this should be a subject all on its own, i.e. easily findable.


Has anyone added their name to the petition calling for a rerun of the referendum ? When I signed it it had nearly 1.8 million signatures.

Their argument is no the one I`d have used its :


EU Referendum Rules triggering a 2nd EU Referendum


We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based a turnout less than 75% there should be another referendum.


I think a stronger argument would be that the electorate were lied to with the infamous statistic (which, apparently, a large number of the less informed electorate actually believed) about the £350 million pounds a week the EU cost us. Even Farage admits that was a lie.

I`m 100% certain that if the referendum was rerun there would be a different result. People would be voting on what has actrually happened in the last 36 hours, and what could happen in Scotland etc. I also think that people under 16 should be given the vote in this particular referendum (not General Elections) on the basis they`re definitely going to be affected by it for the rest of their lives.


Remember this isn`t like a General Election, once we`re definitely out, that`s it.


Don,t you think it is about time we got rid of the tail wagging the dog (Scotland), the EU don,t want another Greece.

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The rules were bent - therefore it should be rerun - Farage (rhymes with Garage) even said this (before the result)

Many people who had registered didn't get their vote due to administrative errors - therefore it should be rerun.

Not everyone could get to their voting stations - it should be rerun.

Why hold it when students were away from their registered addresses - should it be rerun?


Tell you something - if it was rerun, the percentage difference would be greater (one way or the other).


The date of the referendum was known for months, as was the date that people had to be registered by.


What do you want, a personal wakey-wakey call and piggy back to the polling station?

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The rules were bent - therefore it should be rerun - Farage (rhymes with Garage) even said this (before the result)

Many people who had registered didn't get their vote due to administrative errors - therefore it should be rerun.

Not everyone could get to their voting stations - it should be rerun.

Why hold it when students were away from their registered addresses - should it be rerun?


Tell you something - if it was rerun, the percentage difference would be greater (one way or the other).


The rules were bent in favour of remain, so remainers have nothing to complaint about on that score.


Remain spent lots more on leaflets, etc.


Students know how it works and can register appropriately. Glastonbury goers who wanted to vote can apply for postal votes, just as the elderly and disabled who might not be able to make it to polling stations.


We don't need it to be a greater percentage one way or the other. It was stated all along, even if it comes down to just one vote difference, the outcome will be upheld. So we are fortunate that the votes cast do at least have a couple of percent between them.


The votes have been cast. I'm afraid it might be a bitter pill, but 48% of the population have to accept that.


Now if there had been unlawful segregation at polling stations and people queuing before 10pm being turned away like in our previous General Election, you might have had a point.

Edited by Lex Luthor
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No, 52% of the voters who could be bothered to vote did so.


Everyone is entitled to vote; its not compulsory and if you don't use it you live with the impact of those use theirs.


Apparently only 25% of the UK population voted to remain in the EU.

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Why hold it when students were away from their registered addresses - should it be rerun?


That's scraping the barrel. Most students registered voting address would be at home, not university, which is why so many do a postal vote during a General Election.


Unless of course you think all the students are at Glastonbury, having paid hundreds for a ticket and enjoying a £10 pint of cider.

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David Lammy MP urges Parliament to ignore EU referendum result: 'We can stop this madness'.


"We can stop this madness and bring this nightmare to an end through a vote in Parliament. Our sovereign Parliament needs to now vote on whether we should exit the EU.


"The referendum was was an advisory, non-binding referendum. The Leave campaign's platform has already unravelled and some people wish they hadn't voted to Leave.


"Parliament now needs to decide whether we should go forward with Brexit, and there should be a vote in Parliament next week.


"Let us not destroy our economy on the basis of lies and the hubris of Boris Johnson."




And that's how you lose an election.


David Lammy and any other MP who calls for the will of the people to be ignored are an insult to democracy and should be ousted from their parties.


As should Alistair Campbell for his remarks that the people should not have been allowed to vote on the matter, and anyone else dismissing the will of the people to further their own agendas.

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If you can't be bothered to vote don't whine about the outcome is a fairly key part of democracy.


Agreed, the online petitions and the protests are pretty embarrassing. Every vote counted and if you couldn't be bothered that's your tough luck.


---------- Post added 25-06-2016 at 18:03 ----------


i heard they are selling veg in Boston in lbs and ozs


All picked by immigrants of course ;)

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