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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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David Lammy and any other MP who calls for the will of the people to be ignored are an insult to democracy and should be ousted from their parties.


it was always only an advisory thing.


if there had been a massive majority one way or the other then you may have had a point, given the closeness of the result then maybe not so...


that said, the result should be accepted and if david cameron doesn't give some indication of doing the article 50 notification on monday then parliament should do it for him.

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The rules were bent in favour of remain, so remainers have nothing to complaint about on that score.

And you know this how?


But at least we agree that the democratic process was bent.


Remain spent lots more on leaflets, etc.


Students know how it works and can register appropriately. Glastonbury goers who wanted to vote can apply for postal votes, just as the elderly and disabled who might not be able to make it to polling stations.

That's not what they are saying at Glastonbury


We don't need it to be a greater percentage one way or the other. It was stated all along, even if it comes down to just one vote difference, the outcome will be upheld. So we are fortunate that the votes cast do at least have a couple of percent between them.

There is no outcome to uphold - it is only an indicitive poll.

The votes have been cast. I'm afraid it might be a bitter pill, but 48% of the population have to accept that.

65% (Yes 48% of those who voted), but what about those who were disenfranchised?

Now if there had been unlawful segregation at polling stations and people queuing before 10pm being turned away like in our previous General Election, you might have had a point.


You mean like...





"In a sign of how extensive the problems were, staff at one station said that of the first 30 voters to show up, only three were on the register. The rest were told to come back later."

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it was always only an advisory thing.


if there had been a massive majority one way or the other then you may have had a point, given the closeness of the result then maybe not so...


that said, the result should be accepted and if david cameron doesn't give some indication of doing the article 50 notification on monday then parliament should do it for him.


If you look at the stuff coming out of Berlaymont it's pretty clear they would love to shaft us as badly as possible to prevent others looking to follow us out. Understandable under the circs but that means its not in our interests to trigger A50 in the short term. The key to getting the best deal for Britain and the other 27 is going to be selling a deal in each capital that is mutually beneficial and then forcing Brussels to accept it. That process can start way before A50 is triggered. Also really serious end negotiations can only start next May with the new occupant of the Elysee is in place so talking to Hollande is pointless.


With the volume of genuine and cross decking trade we have with Holland and elections coming up in the spring I'd personally start serious talks with the cloggys on what sort of deal they would be happy with as a first point of call.

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