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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Positive news from Mark Carney, governor at the Bank of England who stated that are checks and balances in place backed up with the money to provide stability.

They expected what has happened to happen and can still provide liquidity in order to service business loans.


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If remain had won with 52% it would have been a decisive win in that case would it not?.


No, there is nothing decisive about anything in this outcome. It was close, it ended close. The difference between Leave or Remain winning is that now the country doesn't know who will be PM in October, what deal will be the result of negotiations with the EU or anything else.

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Positive news from Mark Carney, governor at the Bank of England who stated that are checks and balances in place backed up with the money to provide stability.

They expected what has happened to happen and can still provide liquidity in order to service business loans.




Mark Carney was told that he was scaremongering when he opened his mouth before the referendum.

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which I think we all knew would happen and stop the worrying eh tim :roll: on the bright side the suns out :hihi:


That is easily said when you don't have pension funds tied up in the markets and don't own your own house. For most people in the real world it is actually pretty important.

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stiff upper lip old chap :D we ventured out of the eu because we were fed up of other countries telling us how to run our country. it looks like we got the hat trick in winning 2 world wars and now the war with the eu :hihi: . well done the british people for doing what they think is right :thumbsup:


Did you have relatives playing an instrument on the deck of the titanic?

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I cannot believe Anna Soubry, this morning on BBC, saying 'this is down to white working class people who in the face of it have probably never even seen a migrant!'

Are these elected representatives really so out of touch with ordinary people?


The short answer to that is YES.

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