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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Norway follows all of the EU laws and rules. Pays into the EU budget.


This is what the UK wants? It's basically the current terms but worse with no say on making the rules. That is the best case scenario.


The immense stupidity of the situation can not be stressed enough.


I have Norwegian friends,they have massive immigration issues.

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the brexiters promised it would be maintained because we would be saving all the money we were sending to the eu


another lie for the list?


for an organisation that hasn't been in existance for very long they have quickly got the hang of all this politicing thing


I thought it was all going to the NHS.

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UK negotiating position going into Article 50:


- Currently in recession

- Currently battling potential secession of Scotland and Gibraltar

- Hugely dependent on maintaining financial passport for City

- Has no leverage since it has already chosen to leave.


EU negotiating position

- Doorway to single market

- Not under any pressure to negotiate

- Need to set example that you don't get better terms out vs. in


Agree with some of those more than others but the basic principle is right. Hence we don't negotiate with the EU and we don't trigger A50 any time soon.


The EU can cheerfully cut off the 27s noses to spite our face. So we talk direct to the 27, we use the many upcoming elections to our advantage and we ignore Juncker et al for the moment.

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UK negotiating position going into Article 50:


- Currently in recession

- Currently battling potential secession of Scotland and Gibraltar

- Hugely dependent on maintaining financial passport for City

- Has no leverage since it has already chosen to l

EU negotiating position

- Doorway to single market

- Not under any pressure to negotiate

- Need to set example that you don't get better terms out vs. in



There's a good article in todays Telegraph about the position the EU finds itself in after Thursday's vote:




The comments of the head of the German trade federation paint a different picture to the doom and gloom that 'Project Fear' from Remain constantly spouted:


Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, has said that Britain would be treated like a “deserter”. Wolfgang Schaeuble, the German finance minister, has said that “out is out” – implying that Brexit Britain would granted no favours.


It’s an understandable emotional reaction. But it’s not a logical reaction. If the EU does want to enter a vengeful trade war, it would come off second best because Brits buy £10 of goods from Europe for every £6 we sell.


As the head of the German trade federation said on Wednesday, it would be “very foolish” to slap on tariffs: why make BWMs and Citroens 10 per cent more expensive for Brits to buy? It would be a political punishment, but cost European jobs.

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They are not saying ignore democracy though are they.
Why would they? They won.


On the back of mistepresentations though...so how much democracy is that worth?


Maybe ask 1930s Germans for some insight into the matter. They know a thing or two about the consequences of manipulated democratic choices.

Are you saying the remain campaign was all truthful throughout?
Much of it was as shouty-shout populist bargain basement as Vote Leave's, and so just as objectionable.


But I can't recall misrepresentations on the scale of those Farage, Hannan and others have engaged in, and quickly backtracked on after the Leave vote (which says all that needs to be said, really).


All academic anyway, since there isn't going to be a 2nd referendum come what may, and it's clear as a nose on a face that the EU and EU member states are going to be in the driving seat for the negotiations, with the markets and FDI providers riding shotgun.


Hey-ho, more voters chose the gold dust-flecked turd over the roast dinner. Now you can all enjoy a staple diet of **** sandwiches for a few years. Bon Appetit. :)

Edited by L00b
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This wasn't highlighted enough in the campaign - by voting out, we now get the worst of both worlds - We might be trading with the EU, but only if we allow unfettered movement of workers, but with no way to influence the system (this is what Norway has).


And, we have absolutely nowhere near the sovereign wealth of Norway.

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There's a good article in todays Telegraph about the position the EU finds itself in after Thursday's vote:




The comments of the head of the German trade federation paint a different picture to the doom and gloom that 'Project Fear' from Remain constantly spouted:


Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, has said that Britain would be treated like a “deserter”. Wolfgang Schaeuble, the German finance minister, has said that “out is out” – implying that Brexit Britain would granted no favours.


It’s an understandable emotional reaction. But it’s not a logical reaction. If the EU does want to enter a vengeful trade war, it would come off second best because Brits buy £10 of goods from Europe for every £6 we sell.


As the head of the German trade federation said on Wednesday, it would be “very foolish” to slap on tariffs: why make BWMs and Citroens 10 per cent more expensive for Brits to buy? It would be a political punishment, but cost European jobs.



The eu does not even need to slap tariffs to screw us. They can just revoke passport rights for the city financial sector. That's easy 100 billion revenue for the treasury gone.


---------- Post added 25-06-2016 at 18:40 ----------


And, we have absolutely nowhere near the sovereign wealth of Norway.


This is what happens when stupidity reigns. But they will know soon enough.

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Agree with some of those more than others but the basic principle is right. Hence we don't negotiate with the EU and we don't trigger A50 any time soon.


The EU can cheerfully cut off the 27s noses to spite our face. So we talk direct to the 27, we use the many upcoming elections to our advantage and we ignore Juncker et al for the moment.


Lol at talking directly to the 27s. Dude you are off your rocker

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