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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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As the conservatives are in government, they will be doing the negotiating. Farage won't get a look in. If it goes to a vote in parliament to ratify the exit deal (I don't know if it has to), then again it will be the conservatives who will control it as UKIP only has 1 seat.


I dont believe it has to be ratified.


Cameron has to meet the EU and implement article 50. One that is done negotiations take place and even if they are not in agreement we will automatically be out in 2 years. It could get extended by the EU but would need a majority vote of >65% I think to do that.

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What a bunch of lily livered whiners there are on here. All making assumptions and predictions that not even politicians and those in the know can predict.

What a bunch of barrack room lawyers.

I was at work today and none of my colleagues mentioned leaving the EU neither did any of the large numbers of members of public I had interaction with.

It must only be you lot that cannot get on with life.

By the way off on tour of the warmer parts of Europe next month.

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There's a good article in todays Telegraph about the position the EU finds itself in after Thursday's vote:




The comments of the head of the German trade federation paint a different picture to the doom and gloom that 'Project Fear' from Remain constantly spouted:


Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, has said that Britain would be treated like a “deserter”. Wolfgang Schaeuble, the German finance minister, has said that “out is out” – implying that Brexit Britain would granted no favours.


It’s an understandable emotional reaction. But it’s not a logical reaction. If the EU does want to enter a vengeful trade war, it would come off second best because Brits buy £10 of goods from Europe for every £6 we sell.


As the head of the German trade federation said on Wednesday, it would be “very foolish” to slap on tariffs: why make BWMs and Citroens 10 per cent more expensive for Brits to buy? It would be a political punishment, but cost European jobs.


And Angela Merkel was also very quick to say that the EU must be kind to Britain on Brexit. This is because the UK is one of Germany's biggest markets and Mercedes Benz, Volkswage and BMW don't want anthing to stand in the way of their very lucrative trade. She went on to say there was no rush in the process as it was necessary for a smooth transition.

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What a bunch of lily livered whiners there are on here. All making assumptions and predictions that not even politicians and those in the know can predict.

What a bunch of barrack room lawyers.

I was at work today and none of my colleagues mentioned leaving the EU neither did any of the large numbers of members of public I had interaction with.

It must only be you lot that cannot get on with life.

By the way off on tour of the warmer parts of Europe next month.


Can I have a Big Mac and fries please?

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Shows that the Brexiters were right all along......Article 50 please.


But if they're playing hard ball (if they really are), then so can we. Tell them we plan to implement Article 50 sometime next summer, and will intend to make full use of the 2 year negotiating period, and maybe some more if it suits us.

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And Angela Merkel was also very quick to say that the EU must be kind to Britain on Brexit. This is because the UK is one of Germany's biggest markets and Mercedes Benz, Volkswage and BMW don't want anthing to stand in the way of their very lucrative trade. She went on to say there was no rush in the process as it was necessary for a smooth transition.


Merkel is well known for being calm, cordial and softspoken in the public...but behind the scenes being a ruthless tactitian with a very firm hand. There is a reason she became chancellor and is by now regarded not only the most powerful woman but one of the top 3 most powerful people of the world.

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What a bunch of lily livered whiners there are on here. All making assumptions and predictions that not even politicians and those in the know can predict.

What a bunch of barrack room lawyers.

I was at work today and none of my colleagues mentioned leaving the EU neither did any of the large numbers of members of public I had interaction with.

It must only be you lot that cannot get on with life.

By the way off on tour of the warmer parts of Europe next month.


Enjoy the higher prices of everything :)

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But if they're playing hard ball (if they really are), then so can we. Tell them we plan to implement Article 50 sometime next summer, and will intend to make full use of the 2 year negotiating period, and maybe some more if it suits us.


2 years is the deadline. It can't be extended unless EU countries all agree with it. If you think delaying the exit process is going to work it not only confirms that brexit clowns had no plans for the future but also will create more unstability for the economy


---------- Post added 25-06-2016 at 18:49 ----------


You seem to be a tedious negative troll.


You are aware we have bilateral relations, ambassadors etc with all of the MS?


The exit out of the union is done directly the by the EU big wigs. Not individual countries.

Edited by Elan Tedrona
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