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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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I can't understand why people (remainers) are prepared to give our sovereignty and democracy away, along with 27 other countries doing likewise, centralising power and decision making, making it distant and remote.


We now have all the power and sovereignty that our politicians had given away over the years. This is the only thing that truly matters. Forget the big business wittering; business will do what it has always done, and that is operate in the environment it finds itself in.


And the fact that we can "take back" our power and sovereignty in one day shows it hadn't really been given away in the first place.

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2 years is the deadline. It can't be extended unless EU countries all agree with it. If you think delaying the exit process is going to work it not only confirms that brexit clowns had no plans for the future but also will create more unstability for the economy


---------- Post added 25-06-2016 at 18:49 ----------



The exit out of the union is done directly the by the EU big wigs. Not individual countries.


3. The Treaties shall cease to apply to the State in question from the date of entry into force of the withdrawal agreement or, failing that, two years after the notification referred to in paragraph 2, unless the European Council, in agreement with the Member State concerned, unanimously decides to extend this period.

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The exit out of the union is done directly the by the EU big wigs. Not individual countries.


Indeed. So you do the deal with the individual countries then present it to the EU as a fait acomplie and dare them to reject it against their members wishes. You don't go on bended knee to juncker who has already been clear he wants to screw us

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Merkel is well known for being calm, cordial and softspoken in the public...but behind the scenes being a ruthless tactitian with a very firm hand. There is a reason she became chancellor and is by now regarded not only the most powerful woman but one of the top 3 most powerful people of the world.


And also sensible enough to realise why the DAX lost rather a lot more ground than the FTSE100. Germany has rather more to lose in a trade war with Britain than we have. They exported 89 billion euros in goods to the UK. We exported 38 billion to them.


It is not in either's interest to cause a problem.



Interesting.. http://www.express.co.uk/finance/city/683117/US-and-Canada-lead-promises-to-maintain-trade-relations-with-Britain-outside-the-EU


Germany, USA and Canada ALL say they want special trade deals with post-Brexit Britain

GERMANY has joined the United States and Canada in reaching out to Britain to stress the importance of trade deals with the UK outside of the European Union (EU).

Edited by foxy lady
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2 years is the deadline. It can't be extended unless EU countries all agree with it. If you think delaying the exit process is going to work it not only confirms that brexit clowns had no plans for the future but also will create more unstability for the economy


You seem to think that we'll need more than two years? Knowing the EU, it'll be them that slow the process down.


I wonder what the legal ramifications are if the EU doesn't complete it's side of Article 50 within the two year timescale.

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What a SHOCK result, at 3am, it was stay in, when I woke up at 5 30 am, it was OUT.

Cameron sighned his own death warrant with this referendum, he should have just kept his head down, and his composure, he would still be P. M. till the end of his term.

People don't like the man, punishing the sick and vonerable financialy, sanctioning people with innocent children, no housing benefit for the under 25s.

He got what he deserved, punish the poor and vonerable, to feed the rich fat cats.

You got just what you deserved Mr David Cameron.You thought you were invincible, but you are just flesh and blood, like the rest of us.

All I can say is . . . God help this country !

We will reap a very bitter harvest, and again, it will be the poor and vonerable, who will have to suffer, yet again, and so it goes on . . . . . . . .


Were they really still calling it a remain win at 3 am? Once I'd heard the Newcastle and Sunderland results, I thought they'd pretty much decided it would be leave. I went to bed then, and awoke about 4 am, when it was all over bar the shouting.

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I wonder what the legal ramifications are if the EU doesn't complete it's side of Article 50 within the two year timescale.


It depend on what is agreed. If no agreement to extend the deadline is made then it is an automatic out after 2 years.

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Cameron and his government were elected in 2015 on the manifesto promise of holding that referendum. Rather a lot of voters may have voted Tory simply because of that promise. Without it he might not have been PM in 2016 anyhow.


And he would have had a lot of disgruntled back benchers

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Can I have a Big Mac and fries please?


Not sure you could manage it without dissecting it and making unfounded assumptions about its provenance and the unfounded effect it may have on your future.


---------- Post added 25-06-2016 at 19:06 ----------


Enjoy the higher prices of everything :)



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