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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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I would be interested to find out whether the Remainers who called the Brexiters fascists (I know they're a minority), are the same ones now trying to get around the referendum result.

It's my experience that people who call their political opponents fascists and such are usually the ones with the least respect for democracy.


My main debate opponents, L00b, I1L2T3 and tzistra to name the key ones, made a reasoned principled cased to remain and accepted the result as the will of the people. When I though remain had won, I did the same. What the hell is wrong with some people.


I had just read this.


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I'm not hearing similar disgust at the Leave politicians who lied through their teeth during the campaign and, caught fully flat-footed by their win, have been very quick to try and absolve themselves Friday.


Boris – would sell his own grandma for a sniff of power – he’s loathsome and any party with a shred of decency would have banished him permanently after the revelations of the Andrew Marr interview.


IDS – you do know people died and committed suicide as a result of his actions?


Gove – re-structured the public examinations system so that exceptionally bright students with special needs don’t have a chance


Farage – couldn’t even turn up for the big C4 debate on the eve of the referendum – then concedes, then claims the victory – total unreliable fool and has been proven to not have the calibre to lead even a pack of dogs


I could go on, do I need to? Does that show my disgust enough at the calibre of politicians leading the out campaign?


I wonder why that is? (:rolleyes:)


I don’t know. Could it be that you’re not listening?


Delighted to see this thing coming off at the political wheels within 48 hours. You ain't seen nothing yet. By an intergalactic mile. The coming constitutional crisis is going to be like nothing you've ever seen. And I'm not mentioning the economics yet, I'm very happy to bide my time on that one. You'll be back in near-recession territory (if not outright recession) by Xmas 2016.


People who voted to leave knew that there was likely to be a period of economic uncertainty but in spite of this still believed it was the best way forward for the whole of the UK and were prepared to take a possible hit for the good of the future of the country, for generations to come, not just looking at immediate gratification. They voted differently to you because they had a different idea of what was best for the country.


If you’re ‘very happy’ ‘biding your time’ with your prophesies of ‘doom and gloom’, then that’s up to you, but I don’t see the evidence of you being ‘very happy’ about it. Maybe if you can accept that the leavers are not your enemies, not the 52% - in fact, they probably have more in common with you than you realise, and also not the 48%, so wishing the UK to hell in a handcart as a result of the referendum is helping no one.

Edited by Lex Luthor
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The true fact of this referendum was Immigration based hence areas with most immigration had the biggest percentage votes to leave.ie Boston/Rotherham etc etc


London has the highest level of immigration in the country and it voted stay. It actually looks more like the places (in England at least) with the lowest immigration were more likely to vote leave. It appears that people are scared of the bogeyman of immigration rather than the reality.

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I would be interested to find out whether the Remainers who called the Brexiters fascists (I know they're a minority), are the same ones now trying to get around the referendum result.

It's my experience that people who call their political opponents fascists and such are usually the ones with the least respect for democracy.


My main debate opponents, L00b, I1L2T3 and tzistra to name the key ones, made a reasoned principled cased to remain and accepted the result as the will of the people. When I though remain had won, I did the same. What the hell is wrong with some people.


Ahem, may I remind you at midnightish Nigel Farage was conceding and saying those 2m that registered to vote after the deadline was extended had screwed his chances of victory.


When Brexit won he described it as a victory for decent people. So remainers are bad people? Since, his 'side' have admitted they lied about two major things (immigration and the NHS). The result was very close. Can you not understand Remain frustration even a little bit?

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London has the highest level of immigration in the country and it voted stay. It actually looks more like the places (in England at least) with the lowest immigration were more likely to vote leave. It appears that people are scared of the bogeyman of immigration rather than the reality.


I've already called you out on that. Boston had the biggest percentage to Leave, and it's got a high level of immigration (15% are from the EU compared to the UK average of 5%).

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Just watched Sheffield on the BBC news - people being interviewed who voted out. My god how stupid were they. Two said they were now not too sure about voting out and one made out that she voted out because of steel works.


Good god. I think they should have been a national intelligence test before voting started.


Don't get me wrong not everyone who voted out are thick, but this is just scary.

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Just seen Wee Jimmy Krankie on the news again saying she is going for a second referendum on Scotland leaving the UK as she wants to keep cosying up to the dictators in Brussels.


If they want to leave the UK , thats fine, but we need to remind her that EU passport holders will no longer be able to just waltz into the UK unchecked anymore, and Hadrians wall be be rebuilt and border checks and passport control will be put in place for anyone who wants to come south of the border.

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