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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Just watched Sheffield on the BBC news - people being interviewed who voted out. My god how stupid were they. Two said they were now not too sure about voting out and one made out that she voted out because of steel works.


Good god. I think they should have been a national intelligence test before voting started.


Don't get me wrong not everyone who voted out are thick, but this is just scary.


Saw it too. They blamed things on the EU that were Tory failings.

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Congratulations for all the Leave voters. Let's hope you get what you want.


Because what I didn't want is already happening. The pound crashes to its lowest point since Thatcher, the Nikkei lost 7% in a few hours, the Future options on the European markets point to at least a similar loss just on opening this morning. Who knows where it will end.


So let's keep track of the consequences in this thread.


This is where I got off this forum. The people decided they wanted ' out' it was a fair vote both sides had they say did their best to show their side of the story. Leave won now let's move on as a untied people not as a divided people together we are strong .

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Saw it too. They blamed things on the EU that were Tory failings.


Yes... I cringed at seeing Sheffield. The same people who've voted out will be on the streets rioting when it all goes tits. Of course they blame everyone else.

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Just seen Wee Jimmy Krankie on the news again saying she is going for a second referendum on Scotland leaving the UK as she wants to keep cosying up to the dictators in Brussels.


If they want to leave the UK , thats fine, but we need to remind her that EU passport holders will no longer be able to just waltz into the UK unchecked anymore, and Hadrians wall be be rebuilt and border checks and passport control will be put in place for anyone who wants to come south of the border.


So, you, the 'non-racist', apparently hate Scots as well?


You are as transparent as glass mate.

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Yes... I cringed at seeing Sheffield. The same people who've voted out will be on the streets rioting when it all goes tits. Of course they blame everyone else.


well if people were going to riot they would have done it by now.


i'll take the bait:-


mass hysteria, dogs and cats living together, the dead rising from the grave :P

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This is where I got off this forum. The people decided they wanted ' out' it was a fair vote both sides had they say did their best to show their side of the story. Leave won now let's move on as a untied people not as a divided people together we are strong .


People want to express their views on what's happened,you aren't going to silence them by telling them to move on,and long may they continue to have their say.

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London has the highest level of immigration in the country and it voted stay. It actually looks more like the places (in England at least) with the lowest immigration were more likely to vote leave. It appears that people are scared of the bogeyman of immigration rather than the reality.


But London is used to immigration and has been for, well, centuries really. Boston folk eye people up suspiciously if they're from Nottingham. Their simple lives have been changed and they don't like it. I don't blame them for voting how they have its just the thing they don't like won't change much.

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