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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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well if people were going to riot they would have done it by now.


i'll take the bait:-


mass hysteria, dogs and cats living together, the dead rising from the grave :P




My point in my post was why let thick people vote? Would you let them do brain surgery on you? Well if your from Sheffield then you probably would.

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Yep. Reading the (very short) article itself, if the deadline is to be extended then it has to be in agreement with the EU and the member state. So if the EU isn't ready for Brexit after two years and want more time, we can disagree and leave them in whatever condition they are in.


I think they are waiting for you to get somebody in charge of your shambles to negotiate with.

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I wondering if it's normal behaviour amongst the general animal population, or is it just the sore loser syndrome, that we humans possess, shouldn't when one side win and one side loses that everyone just shake hands and move on anything wrong with that. all I've heard today has been people bitching about not being able to get euros for their holiday's. so quickly when an MP lost her life believing in charity and democracy, now it turns into rants about cash, financial markets and other pointless carp, those that want to relocate their business for greater profits need to look in the mirror a little more often, but probably should exit themselves sooner rather than later, as that's been the general thoughts about Art.50 in this thread.


I say this as pretty much a liberal coming from a poor family, who's voted labour, pays into a Left-Wing Union (NUJ) has sat on the Union panel that voted no platform to the BNP and on Thursday I voted out, my other half votes conservative but voted remain.....every scale of intellect will have voted with an equal meaningful vote, no one person is better in the eyes of democratic process, this result will only make it different, but my lot and the lot of every person I know, will still be much better than some poor sod at the other side of the world currently engaged struggling with poverty, war or negative situation.


if my pound is worth 10% less to me it'll still 90p more than some will have. The world must really be going to **** if I have to have one less pint during the day or week.:loopy:


Just thought I'd add 2p worth although technically its probably just a half penny by now. Pointless thread for pointless people.

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Ahem, may I remind you at midnightish Nigel Farage was conceding and saying those 2m that registered to vote after the deadline was extended had screwed his chances of victory.


When Brexit won he described it as a victory for decent people. So remainers are bad people? Since, his 'side' have admitted they lied about two major things (immigration and the NHS). The result was very close. Can you not understand Remain frustration even a little bit?


It's swings and roundabouts though, isn't it? David Cameron lied and still is doing. Remain used logos without permission of companies it said supported Remain and they didn't. None of them are trustworthy, we all know that, but we all had to make our minds up knowing that.


I think it might sit with you better if you realise that people who voted to leave weren't doing so because they had fallen for lies from known liars. We're all more savvy than that, on both sides and need to respect that in each other. Thanks to the internet we all can get access to the internet and find out information for ourselves.

Edited by Lex Luthor
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I think they are waiting for you to get somebody in charge of your shambles to negotiate with.


'You' - sorry chum, it's now 'us'. Unless you aren't actually from the UK, you are in this as well now. Democracy sucks when you lose doesn't it?

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This is where I got off this forum. The people decided they wanted ' out' it was a fair vote both sides had they say did their best to show their side of the story. Leave won now let's move on as a untied people not as a divided people together we are strong .

Bang on ,I have never heard so much mumping , maybe it is because there are more remainers on this forum as well as other on line threads.

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Yes... I cringed at seeing Sheffield. The same people who've voted out will be on the streets rioting when it all goes tits. Of course they blame everyone else.


Some sheffielder said it was a protest vote against the elite. I wonder if he knows boris johnson, gove and the fools who led leave are all posh as one can be.

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It's swings and roundabouts though, isn't it? David Cameron lied and still is doing. Remain used logos without permission of companies it said supported Remain and they didn't. None of them are trustworthy, we all know that, but we all had to make our minds up knowing that.


Which companies?


Toyota, Nissan and Unilever were displeased with Vote Leave using their logos.

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