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Independent London?

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It already marches to a different beat to the rest of the country - should London go it alone?


It sounds far fetched but it's getting discussed. Total bobbins or a logical step?




I thought it already was. I thought everything was decided on the basis of what was best for London, and the rest of us just have to go along with it.


Until a couple of days ago, of course.

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I thought it already was. I thought everything was decided on the basis of what was best for London, and the rest of us just have to go along with it.


Until a couple of days ago, of course.


I think over the course of many years there has been a simmering resentment from many in the provinces that everything is geared round the needs and wants of London.

It wouldn't surprise me if, at least in small part, some of those who voted Brexit were ****** off with the relative power and privilege of those who are perceived to be doing very nicely thank you, and their taking for granted that the rest of the country would just follow them.

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I think over the course of many years there has been a simmering resentment from many in the provinces that everything is geared round the needs and wants of London.

It wouldn't surprise me if, at least in small part, some of those who voted Brexit were ****** off with the relative power and privilege of those who are perceived to be doing very nicely thank you, and their taking for granted that the rest of the country would just follow them.


Of course that's what happened in some part, along with the same feeling towards the banks. People have felt powerless. They've had their pensions pillaged, and their wages effectively cut and their hours and their top up benefits, but the bankers who caused this are doing very nicely.


And don't forget the resentment towards big business, when everyone lower down the chain is paying taxes and the richest pay what they want. Don't forget, whilst hard working families were queuing at food banks, the rich business owners who were doing very nicely, were greedily getting together with their friends, petitioning the government to pay less taxes.


And don't forget that a proportion of ex-Londoners who have been forced out of London due to housing benefit caps, will have been amongst the Brexiters.


Just like the privileged in this country like to paint the underprivileged as scroungers, as it provides them with an excuse not to give two hoots about them, the privileged now want to call those people racists and xenophobes and little Englanders, because it provides them with an excuse not to address the real issues.

Edited by Lex Luthor
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The bankers didn't cause anything. It is the poor who took on debts they couldn't pay back that caused the depression.


With regards to Brexit, it was the lower social classes that voted out, blaming foreigners for their lack of progress in life.


A generous 2 out of 10 for trolling effort.

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It's nonsense but what I like is that it has highlighted the fact that - in some ways - London operates almost as a separate country to the UK; to the extent that - THEORETICALLY - it could, fairly easily.


The Oyster card references are particularly telling, with TfL etc. a somewhat nationalised transport system is fine for London but not for the rest of us (who used to have a service to be proud of)

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The bankers didn't cause anything. It is the poor who took on debts they couldn't pay back that caused the depression.


With regards to Brexit, it was the lower social classes that voted out, blaming foreigners for their lack of progress in life.


Nowt to do with banks selling folk products that weren't fit for purpose then?

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We could build a big wall around it and make them wait 6 hours every time at border controls. Except the ones that voted leave. They could have dual citizenship for being nice.


Id prefer to sends all Londoners to scotland and let them live there in Nicola Krankies EU loving land. Then rebuild Hadrians wall and make them have to use passport control before coming south of the border.

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