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Anyone come from Grimesthorpe?


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Shelby46, I was working dayshift at Shepcote Lane Rolling Mills when a bloke came in to work early for the afternoon shift, he said to me that there had been an explosion between Carwood Rd & Canada St & people had been killed & about 3 houses had blown up, that's where I lived.

In those days not many people had telephones at home so I couldn't contact anyone to find out what had happened, the next few hours were the longest in my life, not knowing whether my wife and 2 children had been involved or not, thankfully they were alright.

The story was that a man who lived on Canada St was on his way to work but returned home to get something, he was smoking & there was a gas leak in the house, BANG.

I'm not sure how many people died that day, but I know the people who owned the chip shop did, that was a day I'll never forget.

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Hi, been talking to my dad and found out a few things about Grimesthorpe. My grandad ran the betting office which was on Carlisle Rd, it was L or Lol Holbrooks turf accountants. Apparently he was the local booky. My dad also mentioned Socketts electrical shop and Blakeys but not sure what kind of shop that was, also Gilberts. He also said does anyone remember Jonny Butlers sports day. I'd love to hear from anyone who remembers my grandad Lol Holbrook.

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hello dors i lived on botham st from about 1959 to about 1969 with my grandparents and on grimesthorpe rd with my parents can anyone remember ronny bilham and albert parr also a old man who used to wear a big overcoat and white plimsoles summer or winter and just walked around the area all the local kids used to ask him for pennies never new his name

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David 12656, I remember a woman with a big nose that used to wear white plimsoles & an overcoat and used to walk around the Ellesmere Rd & Gower St area, she was always talking to herself.

I remember Albert Parr, the great Starwalker, Ha Ha.

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lolalola, my mother took bets to a bloke at Grimesthorpe, it was down a back St, opposite Hunsley St, that could have been either your Grandfather or Johnnie Butler, he used to sit outside the front of his house.

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My grandma and grandad lived on Wincobank Lane. My brother and I spent a lot of time there in the 50s when we were children. Grandma used to take in lodgers, mostly actors who were at the Little Empire. Grandma and Gdad's name was Annie and John Wood, there was also a Mr and Mrs Timmins in their yard. My mum was Phyllis Wood and she lived there until she got married to my dad, Roy Highfield, who lived on Owler Lane.

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Hi skippy, my dad says this could have been my grandad but more than likely it was Johnny Butler, he also says that he thinks Johnny was a runner for my grandad along with several others. Harry White was one of them, he was my gran's brother and also lived on Wansfell. He also says does anyone remember Johnny Butlers sports days, he used to just organise them with the local kids for fun and give out small prizes. Going back to the betting, I believe my grandad used to do this from home before it was legal to bet , then he got his shop on Carlisle Road, again I'd love to hear from anyone who knows him.

Lindy I remember the Timmins family, I think they're still in the area now. My dad vaguely remembers your Grandparents but did your mum have a sister also called Ann?

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My grandma and grandad lived on Wincobank Lane. My brother and I spent a lot of time there in the 50s when we were children. Grandma used to take in lodgers, mostly actors who were at the Little Empire. Grandma and Gdad's name was Annie and John Wood, there was also a Mr and Mrs Timmins in their yard. My mum was Phyllis Wood and she lived there until she got married to my dad, Roy Highfield, who lived on Owler Lane.


I knew a Debbie Wood who lived on Wincobank Lane. My sister used to knock about with her. I also knew a Timmins but they lived on Skelwith road.

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i remember those second hand shops at grimesthorpe..i once bought this state of the art fishing reel from there ....first time i used it at damflask and caught this fish all it did when i turned it was go click click click and wouldnt reel it in...

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