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Post Brexit Racism.

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Ive not seen anyone on this thread or anywhere else for that matter agree with the behaviour of the racists.

Not all those on the leave camp are racists, sorry to burst the bubble or diminish any sense of superiority anyone feels for voting remain.


Lots of utter tosh being spoken and assumptions being made to suit peoples own agendas.

It wont work! People are wise to the ruse now.

The twisted logic and comparing someone to a hated historical figure because they share a single and unrelated trait has been done to death im afraid and is quite childish.


We have a very good moderating team in place to ensure you don't see that. I have seen support for it on other sites and it isn't pretty.

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Ive not seen anyone on this thread or anywhere else for that matter agree with the behaviour of the racists.

Not all those on the leave camp are racists, sorry to burst the bubble or diminish any sense of superiority anyone feels for voting remain.


Lots of utter tosh being spoken and assumptions being made to suit peoples own agendas.

It wont work! People are wise to the ruse now.

The twisted logic and comparing someone to a hated historical figure because they share a single and unrelated trait has been done to death im afraid and is quite childish.

I don't think anyone is suggesting all on the leave camp are racists. Some of those who voted leave are immigrants themselves, or descendants of immigrant families.


While acknowledging that there are racists in all nationalities and that shameful racial attacks are nothing new in our society, we can't ignore the scale of those appalling incidents that have occurred so recently.

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Ive not seen anyone on this thread or anywhere else for that matter agree with the behaviour of the racists.

Not all those on the leave camp are racists, sorry to burst the bubble or diminish any sense of superiority anyone feels for voting remain.


Lots of utter tosh being spoken and assumptions being made to suit peoples own agendas.

It wont work! People are wise to the ruse now.

The twisted logic and comparing someone to a hated historical figure because they share a single and unrelated trait has been done to death im afraid and is quite childish.


Sweeping post Brexit racism under the carpet is not an option..........it will be highlighted,it will be discussed.

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Ive not seen anyone on this thread or anywhere else for that matter agree with the behaviour of the racists.

Not all those on the leave camp are racists, sorry to burst the bubble or diminish any sense of superiority anyone feels for voting remain.


Lots of utter tosh being spoken and assumptions being made to suit peoples own agendas.

It wont work! People are wise to the ruse now.

The twisted logic and comparing someone to a hated historical figure because they share a single and unrelated trait has been done to death im afraid and is quite childish.


You've totally misunderstood.


Firstly, there have been a fair few dodgy posts on this forum. The mod team are good at cleaning things up.


The main point is that nobody is saying the all Brexiters are racists, bigots or xenophobes. The factual point is being made that some people with unsavoury views are associated with the leave campaigns. The advice being given, and it is constructive advice, is to distance yourself from that and condemn it. When you do that it frees you from that baggage and gives you the space to make the reasonable case for immigration controls.


It's entirely rational. Just agree that the attacks are bad and move on to state the reasonable case. Easy.

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Nope. Unless your complaint is just about the BBC? And ITV and C4 and Sky?

And the Daily Mail, and the Sun....etc


The media as a whole were split on Brexit.


Media, of whatever political persuasion, likes controvesy, hatred and agitation. It sells.


---------- Post added 29-06-2016 at 00:12 ----------


Once upon a time the racism was covert. Hidden underneath. Now it's open. Much overt. The leave campaign well here's your victory. A country on the edge.


So we stand a chance of challenging it. And if it extends to criminal behaviour, a chance to hold them to account.

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Ive not seen anyone on this thread or anywhere else for that matter agree with the behaviour of the racists.

Not all those on the leave camp are racists, sorry to burst the bubble or diminish any sense of superiority anyone feels for voting remain.


Lots of utter tosh being spoken and assumptions being made to suit peoples own agendas.

It wont work! People are wise to the ruse now.

The twisted logic and comparing someone to a hated historical figure because they share a single and unrelated trait has been done to death im afraid and is quite childish.


In a way it is a pity that the mods cannot leave the racist posts to show that they exist. Once they've been purged (which of course they have to be) then it looks as though all is sweetness and light.

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I'm tempted to begin a thread to discuss the post Brexit class snobbery. How the middle classes and those who think of themselves as middle class, are spitting their dummies out because the great unwashed, as they see it, have ruined their EU.

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No one is posturing...Its been pointed out that an increase in xenophobic hate crime is on the rise since brexit. ...I would wager the 'stay' voters are not responsible for that rise..


Not all Leavers are racist but all racists are Leavers?


Once upon a time the racism was covert. Hidden underneath. Now it's open. Much overt. The leave campaign well here's your victory. A country on the edge.


The problem is that it was not only racist views that were silenced but also the views of people with legitimate concerns about uncontrolled mass immigration.


People were made to feel ashamed for feeling as they did about uncontrolled mass immigration... despite polls indicating the vast majority of people had the same concerns. Support for UKIP, who promised to do something about uncontrolled immigration whilst successive governments did nothing, did not reflect public concern because the shaming tactic initially worked. But as time passed, and the problems persisted and worsened, so too did frustration with the political class not doing anything. More and more people started to 'protest' vote for UKIP... but still nothing happened. UKIP then won the EU elections... still nothing. UKIP came third in the GE with 4m votes... and all that happen was the liberal-left mocked UKIP only getting one MP.


And so the frustration and anger has bubbled away and now we are here. Levels of frustration and anger are so high that we have voted to reject the EU, and its' free movement of people diktat, entirely despite outrageous scaremongering that included every family being over £4k a year worse off.


The country is 'on the edge' not because we have voted to leave but because the will of the people on the issue of immigration has been ignored for far too long. Those who votes to leave are not responsible. It is those who did the ignoring or encouraged the ignoring.

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I'm tempted to begin a thread to discuss the post Brexit class snobbery. How the middle classes and those who think of themselves as middle class, are spitting their dummies out because the great unwashed, as they see it, have ruined their EU.


What's that got to do with post Brexit racism?

It's happening,and it will be highlighted,and long may it continue to be,despite attempts from people to dismiss it as a figment of the imagination or of no consequence.......it will be discussed,people will not be silenced.

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