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Post Brexit Racism.

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Perhaps not a plot but the media do have a habit of "tarring everyone with the same brush", just ask football fans. I think it's deplorable that people who have been here years are being singled out by xenophobes just because they speak differently.


I think anyone found guilty of inciting this hatred should recieve a stiff prison term, by the same token the remain group who are slagging off the leave campaigners should be brought to book, it was a vote, someone had to win & lose.


Trouble is the victory for the Brexit lot seems to be a hollow one now, will all unsundry proposing aramageddon.


it was always a hollow one. It's just that the total destruction of the UK as we know it will take time, and by the time they realise what they've done, it will be too late.

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No seriously move on mate..... That last comment has just shown you for what you are!


Ah, because you can't answer can you?


You are one of those people that think believing in minor conspiracies somehow makes you interesting. It doesn't. It makes you look like an airhead.


Don't call me mate, it's patronising.

Edited by Radan
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Its a bit of a disingenuous tactic by the remain campaigners to be honest and shame on them for sinking so low to try and justify their undemocratic stance on the vote.

Yes, the rampant racist attacks taking place all over the country is entirely a remain false flag operation.


I voted to leave the eu and feel no kinship for the guy on the tram shouting his mouth off or agree with his sentiment.

Well, tough, he thinks he speaks for you, he's doing it in your name.


Neither do i feel that my vote to leave in someway legitimised his or anyone elses racist behaviour,to suggest that it did is frankly ridiculous, it would be like me claiming that everyone who voted remain is in part responsible for any crime commited by any legal or illegal immigrant in this country.

Those committing the crimes think that though.


The point scoring needs to stop and we need to face these problems head on whilst getting on with sorting the process of leaving the eu as voted for democratically by the people of Great Britain.

The stalling is making us look like indecisive fools and in itself doing us very few favours globally.

We voted, we decided democatically, now lets get on with it and stop the posturing.


Lets have another think about it. Perhaps now you're beginning to see why it's such a bad idea... Or perhaps not.

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it was always a hollow one. It's just that the total destruction of the UK as we know it will take time, and by the time they realise what they've done, it will be too late.


Do you really feel like the UK will be destroyed?

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You don't think that Scotland leaving the UK is in effect the end of the United Kingdom of Great Britain?

England, N Ireland, Scotland and Wales...


Soon to be Little England and Wales.


Edit - cross posting with Mort, but I hope this isn't seen as bickering.

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We voted, we decided democatically, now lets get on with it and stop the posturing.


No one is posturing...Its been pointed out that an increase in xenophobic hate crime is on the rise since brexit. ...I would wager the 'stay' voters are not responsible for that rise..

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Do you not think we can make it through though cyclone with a positive outcome? It may take sometime but do you really not believe we're strong enough to make this work?


Which of our esteemed politicians will make a good fist of it? Genuine question..

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