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Relationship - Working different Hours

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My other half and i both work different hours, I'm 8.30 - 5 and he's a Bar Manager so works late nights.


I need my sleep and he's a bit of a night owl, How do others make this work? I feel shattered most of the time but don't want to be asleep every night he works when he gets home.


How do you get the balance????

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My other half and i both work different hours, I'm 8.30 - 5 and he's a Bar Manager so works late nights.


I need my sleep and he's a bit of a night owl, How do others make this work? I feel shattered most of the time but don't want to be asleep every night he works when he gets home.


How do you get the balance????


Separate beds and bedrooms. Honestly. It means everyone gets a goods night sleep and you can have fun at the weekends (I presume hes not working weekends as well..?) anyway you get to have fun sneaking into each others room when you don't need a good nights sleep.

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I couldn't not sleep with him, no point in a relationship if your not together


Me and my wife sleep in separate bedrooms. My wife is up for work at 5am and I don't get in from work till 8pm, we try to spend most weekends together but she does work some weekends.


It was difficult at first but it made perfect sense as she would wake me up at 5am every morning and I struggle to get back to sleep especially in the summer and I was waking her up going to bed at 11pm and she was struggling to get back to sleep.


We now get on much better (no more tiredness = no more snapping at each other).


It works for us, sleeping in the same bed is an old fashioned thing due to lack of bedrooms. If you have a spare room you may as well use it :)

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Myself and my ex were in the same situation (hopefully it's not the same person you're talking about! :suspect:), he was/is a bar manager.

I used to end up having a nap in the evening then getting up when he got home, but it's not good for you.

The relationship deteriorated slowly after he changed jobs from his previous 9-5, but it was a good thing, I'm glad it happened :D

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I couldn't not sleep with him, no point in a relationship if your not together


Don't knock it till you try it. If you are always tired that will kill a relationship far quicker than not sleeping in the same bed in my experience. Theres a difference between beds for sleeping in and beds for other things :) and it's a lot of fun sneaking in and out at the beginning and end of day.

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My other half and i both work different hours, I'm 8.30 - 5 and he's a Bar Manager so works late nights.


I need my sleep and he's a bit of a night owl, How do others make this work? I feel shattered most of the time but don't want to be asleep every night he works when he gets home.


How do you get the balance????


Could he find a job with more sociable hours? I don't want to sound simplistic, but rather more pragmatic.

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My other half and i both work different hours, I'm 8.30 - 5 and he's a Bar Manager so works late nights.


I need my sleep and he's a bit of a night owl, How do others make this work? I feel shattered most of the time but don't want to be asleep every night he works when he gets home.


How do you get the balance????


I can go months without seeing my OH as he travels on business.. Doesnt work for all people but it suits me perfectly, i like my own space and have my own hobbies and friends, plus i ferry my daughter around to all her sport classes in the evenings so that keeps me busy and out of trouble..


When he is home we spend all our time together, have a holiday etc lasts a few weeks then he's off again.


I think it's OK to have relationships like this as long as you make the most of your time when you do finally have it together :)

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