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Nigel Farage at Brussels

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Pity even more those who didn't, wonder how they are getting on, probably spitting chips.:hihi:
Last I heard, it was only the (similarly anti-EU-) hard leftists who were doing the spitting :hihi:

Whatever your opinions are about UKIP and Nigel Farage, it is a fact that they won more seats in the 2014 European election than any other UK party for the EU Parliament. It was as a consequence of this success that David Cameroon promised to have an EU referendum, if the Conservatives won the 2015 general election and the the rest is history. History would not have followed the path it took, if there had been more enthusiasm from the UK electorate for the EU in 2014 and more voters had voted for the pro EU parties rather than UKIP.
You're inferring rather a lot of cause and effect in the above, without a shred of supportive evidence.


For now, I'm rather of the belief that the Eurosceptic movement within the Tory party had significantly more influence on Cameron's electoral promise of a referendum, than UKIP's result at the European elections.

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Last I heard, it was only the (similarly anti-EU-) hard leftists who were doing the spitting :hihi:

You're inferring rather a lot of cause and effect in the above, without a shred of supportive evidence.


For now, I'm rather of the belief that the Eurosceptic movement within the Tory party had significantly more influence on Cameron's electoral promise of a referendum, than UKIP's result at the European elections.

And any influence would have been magnitude by the success of UKIP in the 2014 European elections and the Conservatives finishing third.

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How can UKIP take claim for this though when they performed so poorly in the election?

And their supporters make racist statements and black up?


Diane James resigns over lack of respect for her authority... who would have thought a party full of racists and bigots could also be a little bit sexist? :)


I wouldnt call 4 million votes as poor

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But this support and votes was in 2015 - before the referendum.


Now its happened and we're on the road to Brexit, they appear to have just lost their way. You'd think that as Labour are floundering, they'd be scooping up disgruntled Labour supporters left, right and centre.


Maybe the £350 million a week back to the NHS is the lie that's hung around their neck and is drowning them?

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Maybe not, as the doors not closed. Time will tell.


ha ha really you believe that:hihi::hihi: we are out and out for good bring it on article 50 lets get this going:roll:


---------- Post added 06-10-2016 at 10:54 ----------


Farage has echoed Hitler a few too many times for it to be unconscious or coincidental or accidental (the Breaking Point poster, "you're not laughing now", etc.).


And though he's technically correct that not a bullet was fired (we're told that Jo Cox was assassinated with a shotgun, which doesn't fire bullets), the implication is that they might have been, if necessary.


Jesus H you are really clutching at straws now:hihi::hihi:


---------- Post added 06-10-2016 at 10:55 ----------


Anyone else noticed ? You used his initials NF for Nigel Farage, I remember when NF stood for something else. Is that just co incidence.........


ah you mean just like Jeremy Corbyn = Jesus Christ ??:roll:

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But this support and votes was in 2015 - before the referendum.


Now its happened and we're on the road to Brexit, they appear to have just lost their way. You'd think that as Labour are floundering, they'd be scooping up disgruntled Labour supporters left, right and centre.


Maybe the £350 million a week back to the NHS is the lie that's hung around their neck and is drowning them?


Thought that was a conservative lie shuffled on to UKIP, just like the conservative interlopers that are in UKIP at the moment still trying to destroy the party.

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Stephen Woolfe in hospital following a fight at a UKIP meeting.



A meeting of UKIP MEPs in Strasbourg, I should precise.


Classy :|


Here's hoping the Advisory Committee of the European Parliament goes straight for 166(3)(d) for the offender :thumbsup:




Rule 166 : Penalties


1. In exceptionally serious cases of disorder or disruption of Parliament in violation of the principles laid down in Rule 11, the President, after hearing the Member concerned, shall adopt a reasoned decision laying down the appropriate penalty, which he shall notify to the Member concerned and to the presiding officers of the bodies, committees and delegations on which the Member serves, before announcing it to plenary.


2. When assessing the conduct observed, account shall be taken of its exceptional, recurrent or permanent nature and of its seriousness, on the basis of the guidelines annexed to these Rules of Procedure(1).


3. The penalty may consist of one or more of the following measures:


(a) a reprimand;


(b) forfeiture of entitlement to the daily subsistence allowance for a period of between two and ten days;


© without prejudice to the right to vote in plenary, and subject, in this instance, to strict compliance with the Members' standards of conduct, temporary suspension from participation in all or some of the activities of Parliament for a period of between two and ten consecutive days on which Parliament or any of its bodies, committees or delegations meet;


(d) submission to the Conference of Presidents, in accordance with Rule 21, of a proposal for the Member’s suspension or removal from one or more of the offices held by the Member in Parliament.

Won't help getting the EU27 on-side for negotiations, this. Edited by L00b
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