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Nigel Farage at Brussels

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Funny site that, considering it clearly states that the per capita national debt for the UK is higher than that of the EU as a whole. So now the UK will be going its own path that will mean it becomes even lower in the EU. Some good news after all!


On a side note, Farage was firmly put into his place about his performance in Brussels by the House of Commons at PMQ just now.


Put in his place in the House of Commons, the same House of Commons that behaves so impeccably itself?

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He made the whole nation look like a bunch of childish, smug, hateful ***** :(


Couldn`t agree more, I was acutely embarrassed to be English at that point. Some people weren`t, they thought his arrogance was fine, I think that says more about them than anything else.

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Sorry, what has that got to do with whether Farage is an arrogant ignorant "small" man ?


Why's he small? Have you campaigned for 17 years for Britain to leave the EU ? That's a pretty high end job. That makes him a big man as he's campaigned for something he believes in for nearly 2 decades

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Couldn`t agree more, I was acutely embarrassed to be English at that point. Some people weren`t, they thought his arrogance was fine, I think that says more about them than anything else.


It was more than fine thank you very much it was absolutely fantastic ! And Marie Le penn has also just given a good speech in support of us.


---------- Post added 29-06-2016 at 13:25 ----------


Because big men don`t gloat, just small men and children.


So if we were to remain in the EU you would've remained calm and impartial without gloating?

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It was more than fine thank you very much it was absolutely fantastic ! And Marie Le penn has also just given a good speech in support of us.


Maybe you should... wait for it.... wait for it....


Wake up and smell the coffee.


You are completely ignoring the fact that all you have watched was the bit were Farage spoke. That suits your ideal, I think it is rather symptomatic that you choose to ignore the rest of the debate. Or did you actually watch the whole thing?

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After responding to your question, the forum timed me out and the back page wouldn't work again it just led to page not found, annoyingly, so my response is delayed and somewhat shorter than my original one.


I know you didn't say the BNP came second, but I am using that illustration as an example that UKIP are indeed a force that needs to be reckoned with and such complacency as yours frankly worries me greatly.


I already answered your question previously, in that I told you it was about sovereignty, not particular EU laws that I agreed or disagreed with that led to my decision in the referendum. I am not an expert in EU law or otherwise, and there are many things that have come from the EU that I am thankful for, clean beaches and clean air targets being very important to me personally. As you continue to push for instances, off the top of my head, I don't like the fact that when I am looking to research historical evidence on the internet, the search returns with little or no information now, as it has been removed due to the EU law concerning 'the right to be forgotten'. I also hate that it's difficult to get hold of quality old fashioned light bulbs and will soon be impossible as the new ones give me migraine and disturb my vision and I hate the light they give out, and I am also not convinced that they are more environmentally beneficial for these reasons and also because of the problems associated with their disposal. Our representatives may have had the power to veto EU laws, but that's not the point, as far as I'm concerned as far as sovereignty goes.


As for 'reappearing', unfortunately, I do have other things to do too. :hihi:


Sorry this is not what I'd written originally, but as I said, the forum 'lost' it. :(


I think you are mistaken as you have not responded to my question on the other thread. Infact you have not returned to that thread after my question.


You claimed we had lost freedoms and the EU was undemocratic. I asked you why do you think this and you have failed to answer.

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Correct but when used as an adjective it means "insignificant" and/or "small". So Justin Smith was not being racist, you however were just being a bit thick.


True, that doesn't make it any less offensive.


To "Jew some off" is to rip them off (as used by MJ in his song ,"they don't care about us". "Don't be a Jew", means don't be tight. Both racist when used in their adjective forms.

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On a side note, Farage was firmly put into his place about his performance in Brussels by the House of Commons at PMQ just now.


Did you not find it difficult to swallow, Cameron talking about anyone else's conduct after that appalling outburst of shouting he had just previously directed at Jeremy Corbyn? He was like a playground bully.


During Farage's 'performance' yesterday I felt he was rude and disrespectful to his colleagues but Cameron's treatment of Corbyn just now was even more disgraceful.

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