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Is it possible to dump the internet.

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But we will be fitter if we go to town to pay the bills,

We will be fitter if we write a letter and go to the post office for stamps and letter box,

The joy of getting a reply through the letter box so as we can sit down and read a line or two of private correspondence .

Nothing to stop you doing all that, anytime you want, and to reap these personal rewards.


But why do you seem so concerned about what other people do with or on the Internet, and about convincing others to follow you into cutting the online cord?


I don't have a FB, Twitter, Snapchat or <somesuch> account. Just three email addresses (personal with own domain, personal in cloud, and professional at work), SF + a couple more forum subscriptions, and Facetime for the overseas family (which is great, head and shoulders above Skype for ease of use). Plenty enough, offline life is plenty interesting and busy enough outside of that.


The Internet is whatever you make of it. Only you can decide where your browser and apps take you, and what you experience as a result. Not your computer or phone or tablet. And not others.

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Nothing to stop you doing all that, anytime you want, and to reap these personal rewards.


But why do you seem so concerned about what other people do with or on the Internet, and about convincing others to follow you into cutting the online cord?


I don't have a FB, Twitter, Snapchat or <somesuch> account. Just three email addresses (personal with own domain, personal in cloud, and professional at work), SF + a couple more forum subscriptions, and Facetime for the overseas family (which is great, head and shoulders above Skype for ease of use). Plenty enough, offline life is plenty interesting and busy enough outside of that.


The Internet is whatever you make of it. Only you can decide where your browser and apps take you, and what you experience as a result. Not your computer or phone or tablet. And not others.


Surely you have to admit that some things are forcing you onto the internet/mobile devices. My HMRC recent hassles spring to mind!

Look how many people ask about things like train tickets in here? No phone and the option is more expensive purchased ticket at the station. That's just 2 off the top of my head! (banks is a third, closing down local branches seems quite common).


On the plus side, I hate shopping, so Amazon comes in handy - I prefer that to exercising going to town :D

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Surely you have to admit that some things are forcing you onto the internet/mobile devices.
It's still your choice to comply and go online, or not.


The fact that it might get gradually difficult to keep doing whatever you want to do offline, is just progress in action. The world doesn't stand still for Luddites, never has.


People didn't have to buy a pushbike, later a car, they could continue to walk for however long. But eventually they wouldn't be able to work, or have a choice of work, or have as meaningful/earning a job, because socio-economic development = increasing commuting distance/time (topically, and paradoxically, the Internet now allows a reverse evolution of this truism, with greatly facilitating work from home).


Ultimately, it's always the same aeons-old dilemma: evolve or die.

Edited by L00b
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Well as I have said before, I think it is a disgusting situation if anyone is forced to use the internet just to be able to live and I know a fair number of people who live alright without it and I think you can pay all your utility bills at the Post Office. You may finish up paying a bit more but that should be more than offset by what you save by not being on line.

One of the things I despised Tony Bliar for was his drive to get everyone on the internet.

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It's still your choice to comply and go online, or not.


The fact that it might get gradually difficult to keep doing whatever you want to do offline, is just progress in action. The world doesn't stand still for Luddites, never has.


People didn't have to buy a pushbike, later a car, they could continue to walk for however long. But eventually they wouldn't be able to work, or have a choice of work, or have as meaningful/earning a job, because socio-economic development = increasing commuting distance/time (topically, and paradoxically, the Internet now allows a reverse evolution of this truism, with greatly facilitating work from home).


Ultimately, it's always the same aeons-old dilemma: evolve or die.


I think my preference is still post 4 ^^


A hermit's hut :hihi:



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The internet is what you make it


I use it for some business like banking and insurance

I use it for email

I use it for hobbyist forums

and some browsing - news headlines, weather, sports results


and have to use it at work, professionally.


this is the only genuine discussion forum I use and then only in between busy periods at work. You won't see me on here after 5pm or before 8am. There are too many arguments to make me want to give up my own time on here and contribute.


And I don't do facebook, twitter etc, so don't see or get involved in any catfights.


Like Mel says, it is what you make of it

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That's sort of what I was thinking too.


I dont understand why the OP needs to "dump" using the internet altogether.


They can still carry on using it for their shopping or banking or information or whatever. None of those websites have hate, bile and argument.


Just keep away from public forums and social media. Its hardly rocket science. The internet is just another communication tool just like a phone or written correspondence. WE choose to view/contribute to whatever we want.



Nobody makes you use facebook or a discussion forum.

Use what you want and don't use the rest. It's entirely up to you isn't it!


---------- Post added 30-06-2016 at 12:12 ----------


Well as I have said before, I think it is a disgusting situation if anyone is forced to use the internet just to be able to live and I know a fair number of people who live alright without it and I think you can pay all your utility bills at the Post Office. You may finish up paying a bit more but that should be more than offset by what you save by not being on line.

One of the things I despised Tony Bliar for was his drive to get everyone on the internet.


Are you disgusted by people having to use the phone to communicate as well?

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I love the internet, i think it's amazing and THE best invention in modern times..


Everything at the click of a button, all the things you can learn and all the different people you can communicate with..


As with anything it has it's negatives but it is down to the user as to how you use the internet.. You don't HAVE to go on social forums!


All that said though, i do love to leave it all behind when i go on holiday, i dont even take my phone!

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Your thread reminded me of an item on SLYnews this morning about the increase in young people who have concerns about their body image, with children as young as 9, phoning the NSPCC helpline. Social media was given as a major reason, things like Instagram, and also airbrushed celebrities.

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