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Can you trust Boris? - Now backed out.

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Listen to what he said. After speaking with his colleagues in the party he has decided not to run for the leadership. That means he didn't have the support of the MP's or not enough. I suspect Goves announcement was made after learning that Boris was to pull out.


Boris didn't have the support of MPs because Gove was getting that for him until he realised that he and Boris did not agree on enough.

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Listen to what he said. After speaking with his colleagues in the party he has decided not to run for the leadership. That means he didn't have the support of the MP's or not enough.
Or it means his 'colleagues' told him he was destined for greater things at a later time, after Gove/May perform their sacrificial lamb duty in the interim.


I suspect Gove is being played. His earlier support of Boris' (aborted) leadership bid is less than a week old (last Saturday morning).

Edited by L00b
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I suspect Gove is being played. His earlier support of Boris' (aborted) leadership bid is barely 72 hours old.


Gove was the real power behind Boris. He'd already done all the ground work for a leadership bid only now he's using it for his own campaign instead of Boris's.


Shouldn't this thread be merged with "Gove drops support for Boris and decides to stand!"? Any mods around?

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Boris had the stature and charisma to lead the Conservatives forward, so I am very surprised at this, but obviously we don't know what's been going on behind the scenes.


So far it looks like it's between Michael Gove, Theresa May, Andrea Leavson, Stephen Crabbe, and Liam Fox.


I'll be looking on Wiki etc to see what I can find out about them for my own information, but so far I think Theresa May would get my vote, (if I had one.)

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Gove was the real power behind Boris. He'd already done all the ground work for a leadership bid only now he's using it for his own campaign instead of Boris's.
He may well be the real power behind Johnson, in the same way Mandelson/Brown were the real power behind Blair.


But I'd say he's got as much "presidentiability" (statesmanship) as Mandelson/Brown, and that's the core problem I can see with his lasting power. Whence, sacrificial lamb.

Shouldn't this thread be merged with "Gove drops support for Boris and decides to stand!"? Any mods around?
Good suggestion.
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It's all very bizarre. It makes me wonder what Boris' motivation is and was. It does seem as if he was knocked sideways by the referendum result.


Political commentators are saying Boris made a last minute decision and added his resignation on to the end of his speech but I felt the rest of his speech was strange. Surely a speech that seemed to focus purely on London was the last thing that was required?

Edited by Lex Luthor
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It's all very bizarre. It makes me wonder what Boris' motivation is and was.
Get Brexit to come within a hair of winning then, as the Tory party figurehead, commandeer the leadership of the Tory Eurosceptic contingent and, as 'Boris' out-populising Farage, commandeer the adulation of the UKIP contingent. Then step into Cameron's shoes come 2020 or earlier.



It does seem as if he was knocked sideways by the referendum result.
He was. Just rewatch his PR performance of last Friday. He never expected Leave to win. Noone was!
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Boris had the stature and charisma to lead the Conservatives forward, so I am very surprised at this, but obviously we don't know what's been going on behind the scenes.


So far it looks like it's between Michael Gove, Theresa May, Andrea Leavson, Stephen Crabbe, and Liam Fox.


I'll be looking on Wiki etc to see what I can find out about them for my own information, but so far I think Theresa May would get my vote, (if I had one.)


May or Crabb for me.

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