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Can you trust Boris? - Now backed out.

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Just imagine if the Conservative Party took notice of Team Trotsy they would appoint a different leader from the one they will end up with, and a loser to boot. Sensibly they don't, so they won't.


On the other hand The Labour Party did. :hihi:


Can you re-write that in English?

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His book is out of print and I'm rather old fashioned, I don't do Kindles.


Try The Trouble With Islam. The author was very vocal after the attack on the gay club last month.


Also, re May. This article doesn't seem to match your analysis. It was the first result when I googled May Sharia Law.




I've got a hard copy. I'll check where I got it from and get back to you. I think I got it second hand from Amazon.

I've heard of "The trouble with Islam". I'll take a look.

Edited by unbeliever
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Yes, I'm going to have to withdraw that comment on May. It seems I've been listening to people reading things between the lines that weren't necessarily there. My apologies.


No problem. We have become distracted anyway. Gove is a competent politician all things considered. I just prefer May. Bias, based on Gove being on the side I opposed perhaps. Will buy his book. I WAS going to, but it's out of print and I really don't do Kindles. I did read reviews of it though and it was panned.

Edited by Radan
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No problem. We have become distracted anyway. Gove is a competent politician all things considered. I just prefer May. Bias, based on Gove being on the side I apposed perhaps. Will buy his book. I WAS going to, but it's out of print and I really don't do Kindles. I did read reviews of it though and it was panned.


The Times had a lot of nice things to say about it.

This is a highly political subject and I'm dubious of reviews on both side by people who have an established position on the subject.

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The Times had a lot of nice things to say about it.

This is a highly political subject and I'm dubious of reviews on both side by people who have an established position on the subject.


Dalrymple writes for the Times?


Anyhow, I did come across this article:




I hope you are right about Gove if he becomes PM.

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I did write it in English. Perhaps you should learn to read it.


No offence, but I'm struggling to follow it as well. It's not an attack on you or your views. We just genuinely can't be sure what you're trying to say.

It happens to the best of us.

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I think boris and Farage have done an excellent job in getting us to where we are now.

They can now sink back in to the shadows and let real politicians get on with the job of running this country as it should be.



Please name these "real" politicians. I only see self serving opportunists.




---------- Post added 30-06-2016 at 17:36 ----------


Maybe Heseltine was on the money; we get a new PM, but Boris, who got us into this mess, is the one that goes to negotiate with Brussels.


Then we have a referendum to see if we like what he's got us. If not, stay in the EU as was.


---------- Post added 30-06-2016 at 13:49 ----------



He said he wouldn't stand for a start.



Not a chance in hell on that.



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