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Can you trust Boris? - Now backed out.

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No offence, but I'm struggling to follow it as well. It's not an attack on you or your views. We just genuinely can't be sure what you're trying to say.

It happens to the best of us.

Jeremy Corbyn


---------- Post added 30-06-2016 at 17:51 ----------


I think boris and Farage have done an excellent job in getting us to where we are now.

They can now sink back in to the shadows and let real politicians get on with the job of running this country as it should be.

Excellent point.


I think it's called letting others do your dirty work.

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Please name these "real" politicians. I only see self serving opportunists.




---------- Post added 30-06-2016 at 17:36 ----------




Not a chance in hell on that.




Sound confident. Would you bet your house on it?


Gove seems in no rush to trigger 50. He's second favourite behind Remainer May. Lol.

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No problem. We have become distracted anyway. Gove is a competent politician all things considered. I just prefer May. Bias, based on Gove being on the side I opposed perhaps. Will buy his book. I WAS going to, but it's out of print and I really don't do Kindles. I did read reviews of it though and it was panned.


May is a pro European . She CANNOT be allowed to become PM.


There must not be any pro Europeans in the new cabinet, it must be made up of Brexit MP`s only.

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May is a pro European . She CANNOT be allowed to become PM.


There must not be any pro Europeans in the new cabinet, it must be made up of Brexit MP`s only.


Yeah yeah....better pay 15 quid and join the Tory party then mate cos otherwise you have nooooooooo say whatsoever. Hehehehehe.

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May is a pro European . She CANNOT be allowed to become PM.


There must not be any pro Europeans in the new cabinet, it must be made up of Brexit MP`s only.


That's a bit harsh. I agree we should have a Brexiteer for PM, but the whole cabinet? Surely not.

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That's a bit harsh. I agree we should have a Brexiteer for PM, but the whole cabinet? Surely not.


Oh dear, you have to be a Tory party member for 3 months at least before you are allowed to vote on the candidates.


Sorry Penistone, you have zero input.


Democracy eh? So overrated.

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May is a pro European . She CANNOT be allowed to become PM.


There must not be any pro Europeans in the new cabinet, it must be made up of Brexit MP`s only.


Don't know if you've been watching the news today,but just about every Tory has made the point of saying there are no pro EU or pro brexit ones,just ones that want the best deal for the UK outside the EU.

They've closed ranks and the referendum was your first and last say on the matter.

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Yeah yeah....better pay 15 quid and join the Tory party then mate cos otherwise you have nooooooooo say whatsoever. Hehehehehe.

The Conservatives have more common sense than to let brand new members vote in leadership elections.

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The Conservatives have more common sense than to let brand new members vote in leadership elections.


Yes, I just discovered that. Bad luck for all those that want to join to vote against Remainers. Meh.

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May is a pro European . She CANNOT be allowed to become PM.


There must not be any pro Europeans in the new cabinet, it must be made up of Brexit MP`s only.

It has to be Liam Fox or Andrea Leadsom then. I can't see a sneaky **** like Gove winning.

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