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Gove drops support for Boris and decides to stand!

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Not recommended for anyone with a Pavlovian reaction to the word "socialist", but here is a prescient article about Gove from 2012. The comment by Lawrence Shaw is also worth reading - in 2012, remember, he writes:


"The Tories, regardless of shade, are pretty much wedded to the idea of leaving the EU and any majority Tory administration would do this as their first act. The Murdoch-Desmond-Northcliffe-Telegraph Atlantacist media axis have been building up the population to this for so long that I simply cannot see this being avoided and withdrawal of the UK from the EU is now a question of if and not when [i presume he means 'when and not if']. Doing so would be catastrophic from the point of view of the already feeble British capitalist state, and would precipitate a far more disastrous recession than the current blips we are experiencing – and would almost certainly drive Scottish and possibly even Welsh independence [not Welsh, as it turns out]. This, in turn, would push the Tories (or whatever government) in the new Kingdom of England – drowning in the desert of isolation – to have to radically alter their supposedly liberal economic politics to keep order."


Don't say you haven't been warned!


You do come across as very negative though, which is not good. As I said somewhere else, Mark Carney has done that twice now, the last time the pound was rallying and the FT index rising until he spoke.

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They will vent their spleen at the next general election by chucking out the government. Just like they did with Gordon Brown who no serious analyst now blames for the financial crash.


No one blamed him for it, it was a crash that started abroad. What people blamed him for was he claimed to have put an end to boom and bust and then didn't see the financial crash coming. His actions caused the UK to suffer more than most other nations. People also blame him for the RBS crash that needed billions to fix. He personally OK'ed the merger (going against the regulators advise) that created the bank that was too big to fail. Then you have the Gold sell off which was a massive cockup.

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