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Gove drops support for Boris and decides to stand!

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The referendum was not about Cameron's future, but about whether the UK should remain in the EU or leave the EU. If Cameron had said he would resign immediately ,if the UK vote to leave the EU, then that would have been another unofficial side issue in the referendum campaign. Cameron did the honourable deed by resigning and has behaved impeccably since the referendum result.


It makes common sense to me to for Cameron to leave the triggering of Article 50 to his successor, then no time is lost in the negotiations which are fixed at 2 years once Article 50 is invoked. In the mean time, the department of trade and industry should be discussing future trade agreements with the rest of the World which is much bigger than the EU.


Boris Johnson wasn't given any position of authority by Cameron, other than being allowed to choose which way he wished to campaign during the referendum campaign which all party members were free to do, so there is no need for him to comment about Boris Johnson or answer any questions.


Yes, I am aware what the referendum was about.


Cameron said he would stay after the referendum, no matter what the result, he also said he would negotiate Brexit and that he was the best man for the job. Instead, he went back on his word to the people of this country and as soon as the results were announced did the exact opposite, knowingly plunging the country in to further uncertainty when Mark Carney has said the country needs stability and everyone with an ounce of sense doesn’t need to be told this. How you can describe this act as honourable is beyond me. It is totally dishonourable. His timing was impeccable for someone wanting to do maximum damage to the country and the economy and cause further divisions in the country.


Not content with this, he then announces that large projects, like Hinckley Point will be delayed and that the Heathrow runway will be put on hold – well, that’s interesting because the Telegraph announced Cameron was going to put Heathrow on hold as early as March this year – and as for Hinckley Point, the Financial Times and the Guardian mentioned there would be possible 2 year delays as new partners were being discussed as early as April this year, but what a coincidence that Cameron also decides to announce this now, in an attempt to deliberately create further economic woes this week – I have to disagree that his behaviour has been impeccable since the referendum result – but no one can argue that his timing hasn’t!


I disagree that it makes common sense that he leaves invoking article 50 to his successor. He has said that he is the best man for the job, so what is honourable about handing such an important task to anyone who is less than the best man for the job? Surely, in this then, he knows he is doing the country another great disservice.


I disagree that this means ‘no time is lost in the triggering of article 50’, I understand what you are saying but vital time is now being wasted while we have this whole leadership debacle, deliberately plunged in to turmoil, being forced by him to choose a successor, when we could have been negotiating with the EU now. Instead, he is allowing the EU all the time in the world to collaborate and strengthen their position in their favour with no pressure from us whatsoever, not even any presence.


Why is Cameron allowing the EU all the time and space in the world to discuss our exit without us having a presence there? Cameron should be there during these ongoing negotiations about our Brexit, we are still paying for the same privileges, we are told we still have the same rights of membership until article 50 is triggered, then, he should be demanding to be part of the talks now, not happily walking away and letting the rest of the EU decide the best way forward for itself.


Cameron knew he had until 2020, if he wanted, and that is plenty of time for ‘the best man for the job’ to negotiate an exit, time to keep his word, serve our country in the best way he can, and time to resign afterwards and enjoy his rewards then. Now that would be honourable.


As Conservative party leader, he does have some responsibility for the actions of his members, especially prominent ones like Boris. Cameron put up no effective challenge to Boris or his claims, leaving that up to others like Amber Rudd. Why is that? He even refused to challenge Boris in live debates when he was invited to. Why is that?


Whilst the nation’s gaze now has been deliberately directed to a leadership contest, we should be asking Cameron serious questions before he waltzes off in to the sunset after his friend Boris. If this was anyone else paid for out of the public purse there would be calls from some corners for him to be stripped of his 'gold plated' pension.

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Gove promises 100M to the NHS by 2020

Vote Leave campaigned on 350M to the NHS


To be fair to the man, I do recall him talking about 100 million a week for the NHS during that campaign. Will be interesting to see where he gets that money from. Do the local councils still have something to give? Is there any written version of his speech available anywhere?

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The Mail are really going after Gove.


Chris Evans will be pleased.


Wow... that is really unexpected. So perhaps the man wasn't set up to do this by Dacre. But... The Sun seems rather nice about him.


The plot thickens.

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Wow... that is really unexpected. So perhaps the man wasn't set up to do this by Dacre. But... The Sun seems rather nice about him.


The plot thickens.


It's made me more confused about Sarah Vine's email tbh. But yes, they have thrown their full support behind May.


Perhaps the Sunday Mail will take a different stance.

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Gove said he wasn't the man for PM

Cameron said he wouldn't resign

Farage (rhymes with Garage) said &*%$^%$$

Boris said wiffle whaffle waffle buffoon


You cannot believe any of them...


Obviously come from the Nick "I pledge" Clegg school of truth.

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