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Media influence on politics

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As Lex Luthor suggested, this is probably worthy of a thread of its own. The already infamous Mrs. Gove letter that explained that Gove would have to have a job promise from Boris in exchange for his backing, stated quite clearly that Gove's presence would win over Paul Dacre (Daily Mail editor) and Rupert Murdoch.


It has been a public secret for years that the media interfere in politics, but this is a big one, this is Kingmaking in progress. One thing is for sure, it will be easy to follow whether this is happening or not by checking the Daily Mail online and see who they back for the Tory leadership campaign. I suspect articles are being written already to undermine poor Boris and jubel about that wonderful intelligent Gove (:hihi:).


Equally, the Sun and probably Sky News will back Gove as well, if not than it will be even more interesting...

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When the success or failure of our politicians hangs so much on whether they are favoured by Murdoch, it is a clear sign that the media has far too much power in this country.


The BBC are no better.


I had a lot of respect for Channel 4 news and their standards of journalism, but the referendum debate hosted by an arrogant Paxman was atrocious.


The coverage of the lead up to the referendum was generally diabolical on all sides, and the media are largely to blame for the lack of information/answers the public craved for.

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When the success or failure of our politicians hangs so much on whether they are favoured by Murdoch, it is a clear sign that the media has far too much power in this country.


The BBC are no better.


I had a lot of respect for Channel 4 news and their standards of journalism, but the referendum debate hosted by an arrogant Paxman was atrocious.


The coverage of the lead up to the referendum was generally diabolical on all sides, and the media are largely to blame for the lack of information/answers the public craved for.


It is the soundbite culture, I despise it with a passion. There are now plenty of platforms available for political figures to get their message out eloquently and independently and I genuinely hope that will take over from main stream media. Some of the newspapers (including the Daily Mail) do a reasonable enough job of providing background to stories, but in my opinion most are so hellbent on 'declaring for or against' that the subjectivity of almost all papers is lost.

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What is that old saying, The papers can make you or break you. The media has a lot of influence on how we view politics.


You try getting a glimpse of JC on the beeb.


It appears he has had a police team grafted on his body.

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When the success or failure of our politicians hangs so much on whether they are favoured by Murdoch, it is a clear sign that the media has far too much power in this country.


The BBC are no better.


I had a lot of respect for Channel 4 news and their standards of journalism, but the referendum debate hosted by an arrogant Paxman was atrocious.


The coverage of the lead up to the referendum was generally diabolical on all sides, and the media are largely to blame for the lack of information/answers the public craved for.


Channel 4 news lost its unbiased status for me when it was asking drunken english football holigans who had just had a fight in france which way they had voted !!!

Not trying to sway opinion there then channel 4!

What next? Interviews about Mohammed Ali at a kkk rally.


And the last leg that was on yesterday couldnt have been any more biased if it tried.

Edited by yellowperil
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Channel 4 news lost its unbiased status for me when it was asking drunken emglish football holigans who had just had a fight in france which way they had voted !!!

Not trying to sway opinion there then channel 4!

What next? Interviews about Mohammed Ali at a kkk rally.


And the last leg that was on yesterday couldnt have been any more biased if it tried.


Last Leg? That bastion of political commentary? Nooooo!

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