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Media influence on politics

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I'm happy with that one.


You sure? Do you think it's an intelligent and thoughtful question? Do you even think it's relevant?


Ok then.


Sorry to disappoint you. It's not what I read in a newspaper. It's more or less what Murdoch himself said at the Times CEO Summit.


Ooops. Sorry Lex.


Now address all my points. Without adding to your own embarrassment.

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Rude? You are thoroughly deserving of being given short shrift because of the absolute stupidity of damn near everything you write.


Care to address the points I've raised with Lex?


The errors in Post 65.


The fact his newspapers had different stances on Brexit.


The fact that his preferred candidate to become next PM didn't even bother to run.


The fact his second favourite didn't get on the ballot. That's the one that attended his wedding btw, the one Lex also said he didn't like.


How can you equate that in any way with 'power??'


I won't even bother saying anything about Corbyn. He is a political non-entity.


The only thing I'm scared of is the fact you have a vote Anna B. And that there might be others like you.

Yes i have a vote, and I intend to use it, and yes there are many, many others just like me, and they're going to use their's too. All for a 'political nonentity' like Corbyn.


I love the fact that you're worried, it gives me much more confidence that he can be elected... Scarey isn't it?

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Yes i have a vote, and I intend to use it, and yes there are many, many others just like me, and they're going to use their's too. All for a 'political nonentity' like Corbyn.


I love the fact that you're worried, it gives me much more confidence that he can be elected... Scarey isn't it?


That he will be elected? Nope. Not even a little bit.




Thanks for ignoring the rest of my post though. Shows you are clueless.

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You sure? Do you think it's an intelligent and thoughtful question? Do you even think it's relevant?


Ok then.


Sorry to disappoint you. It's not what I read in a newspaper. It's more or less what Murdoch himself said at the Times CEO Summit.

Ooops. Sorry Lex.


Now address all my points. Without adding to your own embarrassment.


I think it's very relevant, in the context of your protestation, that you are immune from Murdoch's media.


Can you provide a link please?

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Yes i have a vote, and I intend to use it, and yes there are many, many others just like me, and they're going to use their's too. All for a 'political nonentity' like Corbyn.


I love the fact that you're worried, it gives me much more confidence that he can be elected... Scarey isn't it?


The only thing that's scary is the prospect of another decade of Tory government without an effective opposition. Labour betrayed the working class in the 1980's by allowing Thatcher run amok because they were more interested in fighting internal battles whilst having ineffectual leaders rather than opposing the government. The Labour left seem intent on repeating that time.

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I think it's very relevant, in the context of your protestation, that you are immune from Murdoch's media.


Can you provide a link please?


Can you provide one for your Jenni Russell quote? It wouldn't surprise me in the least if you have ripped it out of context or misquoted. You claim she said this live on Sky?


Are you asking me for a link because you don't believe me, again? Like the IRA thing with Corbyn? Why have you not answered my points? Because you can't?


Tough titty Lex, I still don't dance to your tune. Google it for yourself. I'm bored stiff with you now. Post 65 was stupid. A-Level pseudo-intellectual mock Sociology exam stupid. And you haven't salvaged it.


Good bye.

Edited by Radan
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When you look at how UKIP has been portrayed in the media. UKIP are just like the right wing of the Tory party, that split a number of years ago.

Farage panders to Labour voters, because it benefits the Tories.

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