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Job Advice/Signposting

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I am wondering whether anyone would be able to aid my current job hunt. I am currently a student who has finished for the summer who is now looking for a part-time job throughout this summer (and possibly beyond alongside my studies if I can reduce my hours sufficiently).


I have plenty of previous experience in customer service roles including waiting, bar work and call centres. I have handed my CV in at several places around town and Hillsborough but to no avail and even had an interview at the Rawson Spring Wetherspoons where I was sadly rejected.


I'm just wondering whether anyone may have any advice as to where may be employing or where I may have a reasonable chance of getting a job in my position? Seem to be finding it incredibly difficult to get anywhere with this at the moment. I live in Hillsborough.


Thanks in advance,


Edited by jeff_91
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