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Scales.. weird things.

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And now for something completely different... I am on a self-imposed diet and as such I weigh myself every morning on digital scales. But I have noticed something odd, the reading on the scales depends on where I put them or in fact, when I stand on them. This is a mostly even floor, but it can fluctuate as much as 1 kilogram between weigh-ins. This morning I stood on them, it said I had gained 300 grams, my wife called me for something, I went back to the scales a minute later and all of a sudden I had lost those 300 grams plus another 200... I moved the scales a foot to the left and all of a sudden I had gained 500 grams...


Can I conclude my scales are borked? Or is there some sort of explanation for this, like minute changes in pressure from underneath?

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Just weigh yourself in the same place at the same time every set period. You will fluctuate naturally by 2-6lbs during the day.


The fluctuation may just be down to the accuracy of your scales. Place them on a solid floor, so there is no give. As long as the weight is moving down over time theres nothing to worry about.

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And now for something completely different... I am on a self-imposed diet and as such I weigh myself every morning on digital scales. But I have noticed something odd, the reading on the scales depends on where I put them or in fact, when I stand on them. This is a mostly even floor, but it can fluctuate as much as 1 kilogram between weigh-ins. This morning I stood on them, it said I had gained 300 grams, my wife called me for something, I went back to the scales a minute later and all of a sudden I had lost those 300 grams plus another 200... I moved the scales a foot to the left and all of a sudden I had gained 500 grams...


Can I conclude my scales are borked? Or is there some sort of explanation for this, like minute changes in pressure from underneath?




Daft as it sounds mate the floor surface could be at fault here, if I weigh myself on my bathroom floor I get a constant reading. If I take them into my carpeted bedroom I can gain KGs it's daft but true, and I'm supposed to weigh myself daily, which I do most days.

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Thanks for the responses, the conduit theory is interesting, but I know there isn't any wiring under the floor in the bathroom (thanks to a leak there previously... I think it must be the ground giving way a bit more in one place than it does in another. I'll use the more solid floor downstairs from now on - Gormenghast, I did not know about calibration, makes perfect sense now I think about it and would certainly explain things. I will take that into account as well.


Thanks clever folks :)


PS Pete - I knew about the carpets, have you found a place where you are usually lighter than normal yet? That would be REALLY good for my ego haha!

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Thanks for the responses, the conduit theory is interesting, but I know there isn't any wiring under the floor in the bathroom (thanks to a leak there previously... I think it must be the ground giving way a bit more in one place than it does in another. I'll use the more solid floor downstairs from now on - Gormenghast, I did not know about calibration, makes perfect sense now I think about it and would certainly explain things. I will take that into account as well.


Thanks clever folks :)


PS Pete - I knew about the carpets, have you found a place where you are usually lighter than normal yet? That would be REALLY good for my ego haha!


Yeah the Moon

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