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Brexit referendum rerun

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I am surprised that there has been no talk of a legal challenge to the referendum, from a pro-remain group.


There is crowd funding in place right now to finance lawyers to create law to stop the PM using prerogative powers to remove us from the EU.

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The remain side was better funded than the leave side. They had plenty of resources to correct any spin or even deception by their opponents. Is there anybody who did not hear or read the £350m claim for example, taken apart on every day of the campaign?


I wonder if many people actually voted on this NHS 350m thing anyway?


If I'd thought/believed for one second that all [potential] money saved from the EU was all going into the NHS, I may have voted remain!




It reminds me of the last Labour campaign, when each member on QT added another thing that a tax on bankers bonuses was going to pay for -


*Schools, more schools, more teachers, building a better future for the children, and we're going to pay for it by taxing the bankers bonuses - APPLAUSE


*Reduce uni fees, a better chance for the young of today, and we're going to pay for it by taxing the bankers bonuses - APPLAUSE


*We're going to build houses, and we're going to pay for it by taxing the bankers bonuses - APPLAUSE




i believe the leave side simply lied better and there was far more of the general public already ready to believe anything and everything about immigrants.


I'm not sure why everyone keeps bringing up the racist aspect of the immigration parts of the campaign.


Does anyone (with any intelligence ;))really think that the remain campaign could have altered the vote of racists?

It's no different from the dead-certs who already had their minds made up about voting remain.


As we saw in here, and on TV, I saw virtually no one say that either campaign had altered their vote.

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And also let's highlight the constant REMAIN campaign trying to swing the vote in their favour by saying a vote for brexit is a vote for Boris as PM.


Or if you vote brexit then you are supporting the nasties of IDS/Gove/Boris/Farage. A clear attempt to swing Labour voters away from Brexit. All short term nonsense, in a few years these lot will be long gone into the world of book writing.


I saw plenty of evidence of that on here/in the media from the remain camp.

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Nobody is disputing that on the 23rd of June 2016 more people voted to leave the EU than voted to remain, though as a percentage it was a fairly close call so I don`t understand why some are saying it was a clear result.

What many are saying is that leaving the EU is not like a General election result which can be reversed in 5 years, and there`s no guarantee whatsoever that the Leave campaign even have a majority of public opinion behind them now, only one week later, much less in the years to come. I personally would have thought a rerun when the terms for an exit are clear would be a reasonable thing to do.



It would not have mattered if the Brexit campaign won by 10 votes and not over a million and a quarter that it had. Our Country is democratic, this means the Brexit vote won, end of. No amount of dummy throwing and whining how close the vote was will alter nothing - We are OUT.


---------- Post added 02-07-2016 at 13:27 ----------


I am surprised that there has been no talk of a legal challenge to the referendum, from a pro-remain group.


There can be NO legal challenge to a democratic vote, whichever way it goes.



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It would not have mattered if the Brexit campaign won by 10 votes and not over a million and a quarter that it had. Our Country is democratic, this means the Brexit vote won, end of. No amount of dummy throwing and whining how close the vote was will alter nothing - We are OUT.


---------- Post added 02-07-2016 at 13:27 ----------



There can be NO legal challenge to a democratic vote, whichever way it goes.




Brexit Chief Gove, if he becomes PM, won't trigger Art.50 until next year. But he doesn't stand much chance against May anyway - the party hate him for being a double back stabber.


May is a remainer.


The future is bright :)


You should try learning what a referendum is because from the above it's plain you don't know.

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Why would there be ? It was a democratic referendum where the majority voted to leave .


You need to educate yourself more about what a referendum is.


There is no need to challenge the legality of the referendum. However, a challenge can be made to stop the PM issuing Article 50. Bet ya didn't know that did ya???

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