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Brexit referendum rerun

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This was before the fixed term parliaments act.


Red herring. Everything in the Tory manifesto from 2015 is effectively voided. New mandate required and the fixed term rules cater for this eventuality

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Mass demonstration in London demanding a re vote.

These demonstrators are making a mockery of our democratic system and will make it look us look hypocritical when we keep trying to enforce it on the so called backward Countries of the World.

I wonder what the response would be if the majority leave voters decided counter demonstrate perhaps leading to public unrest and riots.

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Mass demonstration in London demanding a re vote.

These demonstrators are making a mockery of our democratic system and will make it look us look hypocritical when we keep trying to enforce it on the so called backward Countries of the World.

I wonder what the response would be if the majority leave voters decided counter demonstrate perhaps leading to public unrest and riots.


Go on, do tell us, what would the response be??

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Red herring. Everything in the Tory manifesto from 2015 is effectively voided. New mandate required and the fixed term rules cater for this eventuality


I'm not convinced. The referendum itself was in the manifesto and all this is a result of it.

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Why would there be ? It was a democratic referendum where the majority voted to leave .


The Mirror newspaper, not one I read, carried this story.

"Nigel Farage won't call for 2nd EU referendum despite saying a 52-48 vote would be 'unfinished business'

"The Ukip leader made his comments just weeks ago as he hinted he would push for a second poll if his Brexit campaign did not get its way.


Speaking to the Mirror in May, he said: “In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way.


“If the remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it.”


His prediction came true down to every detail - except the Leave and Remain votes were swapped round."


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It would not have mattered if the Brexit campaign won by 10 votes and not over a million and a quarter that it had. Our Country is democratic, this means the Brexit vote won, end of. No amount of dummy throwing and whining how close the vote was will alter nothing - We are OUT.


---------- Post added 02-07-2016 at 13:27 ----------



There can be NO legal challenge to a democratic vote, whichever way it goes.




No. A referendum is just the opportunity for the electorate to give their opinion on a specific question.


Our democracy is based on parliament making decisions on our behalf. The electorate has the opportunity to choose the members of that parliament.


All that has happend here is that the Conservatives promsed to give a referendum. It is just like any other promise prior to an election. If the party then renages on that promise there is nothing the electorate can do except reconsider who to vote for in future.


The government (strictly parliament) does not have to do anything with the referendum. It can just ignore it if it wishes. Of course that would cause a lot of public complaint and possibly more, but it would be perfectly legal.

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It lloks as though the result will just be ignored. Just like under Thatcher, the Tories are holding firm against the uneducated whom seem to want to drive our nation to destruction.


We pay these MPs to make decision for us and to represent the interests of their constituents at Parliament. What is in the publics interest and what the public wants are often not the same thing.

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It lloks as though the result will just be ignored. Just like under Thatcher, the Tories are holding firm against the uneducated whom seem to want to drive our nation to destruction.


We pay these MPs to make decision for us and to represent the interests of their constituents at Parliament. What is in the publics interest and what the public wants are often not the same thing.


They CAN ignore the result, but I don't think they will. It would cause immense damage to the party, both internally and in the eye's of the voting public.

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They CAN ignore the result, but I don't think they will. It would cause immense damage to the party, both internally and in the eye's of the voting public.


We haven't told the EU we are leaving yet and even the leaders of the leave campaign are now saying that they don't want us actually out of the Union and that in many ways nothing will change.

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