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Brexit referendum rerun

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You make all sorts of assumptions about peoples reasons for voting but the fact is you don't know **** about why people voted. I voted leave because I don't think Britain should be part of supranational government and we should be in control of our own country, nothing to do with racist or xenophobic reasons.


The fact you resort swearing to get your point across, it doesn't surprise me you were duped into voting leave.

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Go on, do tell us, what would the response be??

Answering a question with a question is no answer at all.


---------- Post added 02-07-2016 at 17:19 ----------


No. A referendum is just the opportunity for the electorate to give their opinion on a specific question.


Our democracy is based on parliament making decisions on our behalf. The electorate has the opportunity to choose the members of that parliament.


All that has happend here is that the Conservatives promsed to give a referendum. It is just like any other promise prior to an election. If the party then renages on that promise there is nothing the electorate can do except reconsider who to vote for in future.


The government (strictly parliament) does not have to do anything with the referendum. It can just ignore it if it wishes. Of course that would cause a lot of public complaint and possibly more, but it would be perfectly legal.

If the Government go against the peoples wishes then we have a dictatorship .

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There are more things at play here, and people need to be very cautious of a government that has deliberately divided a nation down the middle and continues to do so.


To have this huge rift and increasing polarisation between two halves of a nation is more than a little unhealthy. One only has to look at posts on this forum to see how hatred is replacing fellowship. It is becoming a lot more unpleasant, with more stereotyping and insults being thrown around. One thing is certain; both Leavers and Remainers have been played like fiddles and continue to be played.


I am not your enemy, you are not mine. Neither you nor I know whether leaving or remaining is the best way forward for the UK, neither do any of our politicians and the media, even if they say they do. At the end of the day we all voted with our gut as we don't have crystal balls and even years down the line it will still be impossible to call which way was the best for the UK as there are just too many variables.


This hatred has to stop; the labels, the differences. People have to realise that there is far more that unites us than divides us.


If we are not careful, we will be too busy arguing with each other to see what is going on in front of our noses.

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Why the masked swearing Alan? Don't be so angry as it makes you like uneducated and aggressive, possibly fitting into the stereotype of the leave voter that you are so desperate to avoid.

Are these uneducated folk that you keep going on about the same class that one hundred years ago followed the educated gentry into a stupid war where millions of them never came back to once again take up the backbreaking work that they left behind in the Steelworks, pits ,and satanic mills through out this Country.

Are they the same uneducated folk who have been put on the scrap heap by Thatcher and her cohorts who decided to take us into a failing union that has caused millions to be unemployed throughout Europe and caused mass migration which in turn has caused mass unrest among our working class.

Perhaps we should all be able to have a privileged education then we could all look for scape goats to blame for all things we do not agree with.

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:hihi: aggressive eh? as opposed to remainers, who are so passive Boris Johnson needs a police presence outside his house. :roll:


A lot of Brexiters are going to be angry with Johnson too. Give it time

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Answering a question with a question is no answer at all.


---------- Post added 02-07-2016 at 17:19 ----------


If the Government go against the peoples wishes then we have a dictatorship .


No. We may have a riot or two because a lot of people will be very upset, but we will not suddenly have a dictatorship.


We have a parliamentary democracy. Our constitution, for what it's worth, is not based on referenda.

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Are these uneducated folk that you keep going on about the same class that one hundred years ago followed the educated gentry into a stupid war where millions of them never came back to once again take up the backbreaking work that they left behind in the Steelworks, pits ,and satanic mills through out this Country.

Are they the same uneducated folk who have been put on the scrap heap by Thatcher and her cohorts who decided to take us into a failing union that has caused millions to be unemployed throughout Europe and caused mass migration which in turn has caused mass unrest among our working class.

Perhaps we should all be able to have a privileged education then we could all look for scape goats to blame for all things we do not agree with.


They weren't put on the scrap heap by Thatcher. Anyone under the age of 50 when the nine closed had no excuse for not retraining. It was their idleness and lack of drive that put them on the scrap heap.


Non educated people should listen to educated people when they don't understand things.

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:hihi: aggressive eh? as opposed to remainers, who are so passive Boris Johnson needs a police presence outside his house. :roll:


Looks like you've already forgotten that Jo Cox MP was brutally murdered a couple of weeks ago.


Let's have a guess on which side of the referendum her murderer would have been on, eh?

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