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Inappropriate tattoos & thumb rings

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I've never felt the need to have a tattoo, being neither a sailor, skinhead, gay or a traveller it never did appeal to me.

Ten years on, tattoo removal will be big business. A job worth getting into I reckon.


I don't have any tattoos either, but I wouldn't presume to apply stereotypes like that to anyone that did.


---------- Post added 04-07-2016 at 11:48 ----------


Tattoos just look like mess on the skin to me. I've never understood why anyone would think they were in any way attractive or what possible advantage having them would give.


I often feel very sad when I see young people who were once very attractive making themselves look permanently like some kind of convict or circus freak.


I think that lots of things look stupid, but I know that it's only my opinion and not some kind of universal truth.


---------- Post added 04-07-2016 at 11:50 ----------


how to spend the rest of your life on the dole and on benefits

cover yourself with tattoos and go for an interview.

perhaps there not as daft as we think


I don't know many people with tattoos. But two that I can think of both have fairly senior jobs at HSBC... Be careful how you wave those stereotypes about, they're dangerous.

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In a similar vein, when it's hot and sunny and my tattoos are visible for all to see, I have the assurance that they act as a usefull kind of repellant towards all the bigoted/small-minded/unintelligent/prejudiced individuals who might otherwise have tried to interact with me :)


Its just my experiance. And I say this as a person with tattoos.

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In a similar vein, when it's hot and sunny and my tattoos are visible for all to see, I have the assurance that they act as a usefull kind of repellant towards all the bigoted/small-minded/unintelligent/prejudiced individuals who might otherwise have tried to interact with me :)


My shaved head serves exactly the same purpose—keeps the uneducated, small-minded, sexist men at a comfortable distance.


Looks stunning though, in my opinion :blush:



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how to spend the rest of your life on the dole and on benefits

cover yourself with tattoos and go for an interview.

perhaps there not as daft as we think


What an absolutely ridiculous I don't know what I'm on about post, I am tattooed not heavily but spent 16 years in Civil Service, and up to medically retiring at 55 never been out of work (40 years). There is a porter at the NGH hospital who has a tattoo on his face (not my cup of tea), but thankfully he was employed for his work ethic not how he looks.


Lot's of people are tattooed and most celebrities are look at Beckham, it's easy to sit behind a keyboard and pull someone who you know nothing about to pieces, just because of body art.


I have never been to prison, been in trouble with the police but people such as you love to stereotype people, and you have all people with tattoos are unemployable vermin, I suggest you try to get out and just see how many tattooed people are actually employed, millions of them. :rant::rant:

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What an absolutely ridiculous I don't know what I'm on about post, I am tattooed not heavily but spent 16 years in Civil Service, and up to medically retiring at 55 never been out of work (40 years). There is a porter at the NGH hospital who has a tattoo on his face (not my cup of tea), but thankfully he was employed for his work ethic not how he looks.


Lot's of people are tattooed and most celebrities are look at Beckham, it's easy to sit behind a keyboard and pull someone who you know nothing about to pieces, just because of body art.


I have never been to prison, been in trouble with the police but people such as you love to stereotype people, and you have all people with tattoos are unemployable vermin, I suggest you try to get out and just see how many tattooed people are actually employed, millions of them. :rant::rant:


He really is a lovely guy too but an orderly/domestic not a porter :)


---------- Post added 04-07-2016 at 17:16 ----------


you could have a watch tatooed on your wrist


tatoo fixers is a tv program from the channel 4/e4/more4 stable, a trio of renouned tatoo artistes correct poorly conceived and implented tatoos from random people who seemingly walk in from the street and who now regret having the mandarin pictogram for soup applied to their bums.


It would show the right time twice a day .

Edited by Daven
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I hate tats, absolutely loathe them. I've always considered them a clear sign of insecurity.

As for growing old...fact is none of us will look remotely attractive in old age, with or without the tats.


My personal pet hate is the "Sleeve" geez I utterly detest it!! They think it's marks them as an individual, whereas I see it only marks them as a sheep!


Still, their body, let them do what the hell they want to it!


As for tattoo fixers....good lord! I'm guessing the whole thing is completely staged, right? No one could be so stupid to agree to some technicolor monstrosity the size of Pluto slapped over a minuscule rude comment that was tattooed in a moment of youthful drunkenness.

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