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Inappropriate tattoos & thumb rings

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I hate tats, absolutely loathe them. I've always considered them a clear sign of insecurity.

As for growing old...fact is none of us will look remotely attractive in old age, with or without the tats.


My personal pet hate is the "Sleeve" geez I utterly detest it!! They think it's marks them as an individual, whereas I see it only marks them as a sheep!


Still, their body, let them do what the hell they want to it!


As for tattoo fixers....good lord! I'm guessing the whole thing is completely staged, right? No one could be so stupid to agree to some technicolor monstrosity the size of Pluto slapped over a minuscule rude comment that was tattooed in a moment of youthful drunkenness.


No tattoo artist worth his or her salt would never tattoo someone who is drunk, sadly some will and that person has to live with it. My tattoos were done while 100% sober, and the one on my shoulder was done by Pete Wilde at Spital Hill, a former World Champion RIP, and it was done freehand and is a work of art.


People may not like tattoos but there is no need to be rude, and pig ignorant to people that do, that makes you as big a bigot as much as any racist.

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No tattoo artist worth his or her salt would never tattoo someone who is drunk, sadly some will and that person has to live with it. My tattoos were done while 100% sober, and the one on my shoulder was done by Pete Wilde at Spital Hill, a former World Champion RIP, and it was done freehand and is a work of art.


People may not like tattoos but there is no need to be rude, and pig ignorant to people that do, that makes you as big a bigot as much as any racist.


My most recent tattoos, I had to make an appointment for and leave a deposit. This was at what I think was called Q Tattoo on West Street (it was 13 years ago, it's been closed for years, but I believe one of the artists now works in Orchard Square), and more recently Follow Your Dreams, where I had a cover up done by David Barry. I am planning to get more added to it, and will definetly go back to him, it was well worth the money.

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Guest makapaka

I don't mind tattoos - certain ones anyway. I've not got one myself.


I don't think it shows individuality these days though - it's just become a trend.

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some are quite artistic


you should have a watch of tatoo fixers and see both the good and the bad and sometimes the very bad


Tattoo fixers is a great programme, as its usually Chantelle or Tyler who's been to Magaluf got drunk and woke up with a hideous tattoo somewhere obscene which obviously is great at the time however can be somewhat awkward afterwards. They then have to pay to have it covered


---------- Post added 04-07-2016 at 20:53 ----------


I hate tats, absolutely loathe them. I've always considered them a clear sign of insecurity.

As for growing old...fact is none of us will look remotely attractive in old age, with or without the tats.


My personal pet hate is the "Sleeve" geez I utterly detest it!! They think it's marks them as an individual, whereas I see it only marks them as a sheep!


Still, their body, let them do what the hell they want to it!


As for tattoo fixers....good lord! I'm guessing the whole thing is completely staged, right? No one could be so stupid to agree to some technicolor monstrosity the size of Pluto slapped over a minuscule rude comment that was tattooed in a moment of youthful drunkenness.


Tattoo's are each to their own, I used to work with a really nice bloke 15+ years ago and he had two full sleeves however despite this at work his arms were always covered up and to be fair they were very detailed and defined and obviously weren't done in Magaluf.


I'm ok with women having them to a degree if they are subtle.


The three tattoo artists on the fixers programme are very good at what they do. I used to watch Miami ink mainly due to the fact I appreciate good artistry and the finished product. I looked at getting a tattoo in my early 20's however I didn't and am glad I didn't as my interests have changed however I don't think I would get one now.


I noticed the fad a few years ago were the Celtic bands that everyone had to have whereas now it seems to have gone to full sleeves by the worlds overpaid footballers and pop stars (Beiber comes to mind).


---------- Post added 04-07-2016 at 20:58 ----------


In a similar vein, when it's hot and sunny and my tattoos are visible for all to see, I have the assurance that they act as a usefull kind of repellant towards all the bigoted/small-minded/unintelligent/prejudiced individuals who might otherwise have tried to interact with me :)


Good sound reply that :D

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how to spend the rest of your life on the dole and on benefits

cover yourself with tattoos and go for an interview.

perhaps there not as daft as we think


I'm tattooed, in places that can't be covered by a short sleeved shirt, so are pretty much permanently on show. I'm also pierced in various places. I'm 42 years old, and haven't been out of work for more than a week since the day I left school (that 1 week was when I was made redundant along with 16 others, and found a new job 3 days later). I've never claimed a benefit in my life. So who's daft now?

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how to spend the rest of your life on the dole and on benefits

cover yourself with tattoos and go for an interview.

perhaps there not as daft as we think


Not necessarily, I have tattoos from being 18 yrs old.

I am now 54 having never been out of work and even working for the Foriegn Office and US state department!


---------- Post added 04-07-2016 at 22:18 ----------


in a similar vein, when it's hot and sunny and my tattoos are visible for all to see, i have the assurance that they act as a usefull kind of repellant towards all the bigoted/small-minded/unintelligent/prejudiced individuals who might otherwise have tried to interact with me :)


:) :)...............

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Just to be clear then- you've got tattoos yourself, you've got a prejudice against calf tattoos, and, you're not stupid?


Like like I said, it's my experience that those with these kinds of tattoos should be avoided. Not to the same degree but in the same vein as most people would avoid a person with a swastika tattoo on their face. Im not saying they are the same, just that these signs to me, identify the person as someone to avoid. We are a visual species, otherwise why have tattoos in the first place. We all judge each other on our appearance, whether you like it or not, it's human nature and we also build up a picture of people based on past experience. It is my experience that these people are not the kind of people I want to be around.


Im in no way anti-tattoo. Some tats look amazing and there are some real artists out there. Tattoos can look great on certain parts of the body, but on others they just look bad. Like women who have dog pour prints tattooed on their chest. If you know what this means you may think its rather stupid and crass. I'm sure people who have them, don't, but that does not mean I am not entitled to my opinion.

Edited by Berberis
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Many many years ago I nursed a lovely man who had a very large union jack tattoo on his chest which he told me he had done when he survived the trenches in WW1 - I remember his name and can see his face even now - almost 40 years on.

I guess that because tattoos were not often seen in those days and because of the reason he had it done is why it has stuck in my mind.

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I'm tattooed, in places that can't be covered by a short sleeved shirt, so are pretty much permanently on show. I'm also pierced in various places. I'm 42 years old,


my only question is why?

Edited by maggie007
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