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Is Labour the 48% or the 52%?

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Addition at 10:42...........


Joking aside. That's one of the reasons that we are in such a pickle. The will of the people is not represented in the House of Commons and they, the Goverment MP's, are the ones who are in charge of negotiating the new trading arrangements. The 'Leave' campaign could say anything they wanted (and they did) knowing that they would never have to deliver on the inferences of their slogans because they have no single constituency in the House. Leaver's voted on many different things but it was all a 'pig in a poke'. The only decision made on Referendum Day was a simple 'in' or 'out'.


Many Leave voters decided on vague campaign sound bites.

No Government will be mandated on vague campaign sound bites.


Could you just explain what you mean by the bit in bold.

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Yes but...


So what do YOU think will happen?


---------- Post added 02-07-2016 at 23:01 ----------



Thanks dude :D


Have had a look...


There doesn't seem to be a graphic


Of party member voting?


No. I wrote those in post 6 to the very best of my recollection. The BBC has that data.......of course, the way an MP says he will vote does not guarantee that's how he actually did :)


(did JC vote Brexit with DC, did BoJo really vote remain? lol)


Edit: sorry do you mean how Labour and Tory party members etc voted, not just MPs? I haven't seen such a survey, sorry.

Edited by Radan
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I don't think party affiliation was particularly important to people. Conservative splitting into very vocal opposite camps scotched that for both parties. I think people voted as they saw fit with no reference to the party system.

Geography seemed to be the most defining factor - London (and Scotland) versus the rest.

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Momentum support Jeremy. So what? Caroline Flint is no friend of Jeremy Corbyn so she's bound to dislike them. This is just an attempt to besmirch them. Why show an old generic photograph of a demonstrater against the war in Syria? What's that got to do with either Jeremy Corbyn or Momentum?

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Momentum support Jeremy. So what? Caroline Flint is no friend of Jeremy Corbyn so she's bound to dislike them. This is just an attempt to besmirch them. Why show an old generic photograph of a demonstrater against the war in Syria? What's that got to do with either Jeremy Corbyn or Momentum?


Basically we need an effective opposition. Labour is the second biggest party but is currently in dereliction of its duties as Her Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition.


It is a critical role in our democracy and vital for holding the government to account.


Maybe people care about doing that job and taking on the Tory government. Labour is currently incapable of doing so and that is going to hurt all of us.


That is so what Anna

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Basically we need an effective opposition. Labour is the second biggest party but is currently in dereliction of its duties as Her Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition.


It is a critical role in our democracy and vital for holding the government to account.


Maybe people care about doing that job and taking on the Tory government. Labour is currently incapable of doing so and that is going to hurt all of us.


That is so what Anna


Maybe The Conservatives should get their house in order before starting on the Labour Party. They started this mess


The irony is that Jeremy Corbyn is a much more effective opposition than the old Blairites ever were. They were just another branch of the Tory party - which is what got Jeremy elected in the first place. They were all members of the same old Westminster club, no difference between them, which is what the voters were sick of.

Edited by Anna B
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Maybe The Conservatives should get their house in order before starting on the Labour Party. They started this mess


The irony is that Jeremy Corbyn is a much more effective opposition than the old Blairites ever were. They were just another branch of the Tory party - which is what got Jeremy elected in the first place. They were all members of the same old Westminster club, no difference between them, which is what the voters were sick of.


He's not an effective opposition because he can do nothing to challenge the Brexit process.


The Tories have free reign to do whatever they want completely unrestrained by any effective opposition.

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Basically we need an effective opposition. Labour is the second biggest party but is currently in dereliction of its duties as Her Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition.


It is a critical role in our democracy and vital for holding the government to account.


Maybe people care about doing that job and taking on the Tory government. Labour is currently incapable of doing so and that is going to hurt all of us.


That is so what Anna


We also need an effective and stable government in a time like this. I would be more concerned about that if I were you and how this government is in dereliction of its duties as Her Majesty's Government.


The government has a critical role to er....govern!


Instead of disbanding and holding internal elections!

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