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End of the line for Netto (again)

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The new stores were supposedly pretty decent weren't they?

It was a tough market to break into though, Netto left at the absolute worst time.


Aldi & Lidl have exploded and got the market pretty well sewn up.


I've not set foot in a Netto since the Lane Top one closed down a few years ago, so I can't say how decent the new re-branded stores were.


I think Netto stayed out of the UK for too long and yes, Aldi & Lidl took Netto's market share in absentia.


If Netto had stuck with the UK for a few years longer, I expect they would be operating profitably in this post-credit crunch economy. Both Kwik Save and Netto's prices were so cheap, millions of people would not be relying on foodbanks today.

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millions of people would not be relying on foodbanks today.


The only people relying on food banks are wastrels who like to continually suck on the teat of nanny state.


Have you been in your average Asda or Tesco? Have you seen stepped foot into a discount store?


Food has never been so cheap and in such plentiful supply. Dried goods, ready meals, canned and frozen items sold in big boxes and supersized packets for mere pennies.


Lets go back to the days when your options were the corner shop or the Coop. See how expensive things really were then. I would have blown some peoples minds back then if you told them that in a couple of decades people would be wandering round vast warehouses with trolleys bulging with goods for less than one day's pay.


It never stops making me laugh when the tabloid television beats on about poverty in britain, people hardly able to put food on the table and queues round the block for food banks and then switch to a report about our obesity and diabeties epedemic.


Which one is it. Those poor obease people who cant afford to put food on the table. Yeah right. :loopy:

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The only people relying on food banks are wastrels who like to continually suck on the teat of nanny state.


Yes, yes, I'm sure. You are right and I am wrong.


Yawn yawn.


Any chance of keeping to the subject please? After all, I'm not slagging off the greedy bankers that ruined our economy and forced the government to spends hundred of billions of my taxes bailing them out :roll:


Oh by the way, I think you spelt obese incorrectly

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