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EU Referendum, would you change your vote?

Would you change your vote in the 2016 EU referendum?  

138 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you change your vote in the 2016 EU referendum?

    • Yes: Change from Leave to Remain.
    • Yes: Change from Remain to Leave.
    • No: I voted to Leave and I'm happy with my decision.
    • No: I voted to Remain and I'm happy with my decision.
    • N/A: I didn't vote.

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What is happening is the unknown caused by the decision to leave. What "should" happen is irrelevant. Leavers voted for uncertainty. That is what we are getting.


Yes, Leavers knew there would be a period of a uncertainty, so they voted knowing this was likely to happen, but I'm afraid as much as you'd like to, you can't logically blame the decision to leave as the only factor, when there are clearly other factors as previously mentioned that are causing further uncertainty.


Are you in agreement that Article 50 should be triggered as soon as possible, so that we can start moving away from this uncertainty?

Edited by Lex Luthor
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Yes, Leavers knew there would be a period of a uncertainty, so they voted knowing this was likely to happen, but I'm afraid as much as you'd like to, you can't logically blame the decision to leave as the sole cause, when there are other factors as previously mentioned that are causing further uncertainty.


Are you in agreement that Article 50 should be triggered as soon as possible, so that we can start moving away from this uncertainty?


Not until the people who will be negotiating on the UK's behalf know what the government wants them to try and achieve, including what items are negotiable and what are regarded as no go areas.


Edit. If there had been a vote to remain, then there would have been no uncertainty at all. So yes, I can blame the uncertainty entirely on the vote to leave.

Edited by Eater Sundae
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If there had been a vote to remain, then there would have been no uncertainty at all. So yes, I can blame the uncertainty entirely on the vote to leave.


Most people would think basing a massive decision on lies, deception and exaggeration was largely a bad thing.


Wait...this is the Chilcott thread, right...? No matter. No difference anyway.


(Courtesy of Marcus Brigstock)

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Yes, Leavers knew there would be a period of a uncertainty, so they voted knowing this was likely to happen, but I'm afraid as much as you'd like to, you can't logically blame the decision to leave as the only factor, when there are clearly other factors as previously mentioned that are causing further uncertainty.


Are you in agreement that Article 50 should be triggered as soon as possible, so that we can start moving away from this uncertainty?


All of the 'other factors' are Brexit related.

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Most outers knew that it wouldn't be all plain sailing and the economy would suffer immediately afterwards ..... anybody who thought it was all going to be hunky dory needs their head testing. We don't mind having to tighten our belts, we've had to do it in the past, that's life. What we voted for is a better say in our future .. not living in a dictatorship which is what the EU was becoming. We're looking forward not back and although it's a rocky road at present, we'll benefit in the long run.


I'll tell you what,it damn well better be better,for millions,and not just by a little bit or a statistic telling you you are better off,but by a tangible life changing amount that these millions can actually see in a greatly improved quality of life............let's see how long they are going to wait before they start asking questions as to when it will happen,or why it hasn't already happened.

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Most people would think basing a massive decision on lies, deception and exaggeration was largely a bad thing.


Wait...this is the Chilcott thread, right...? No matter. No difference anyway.


(Courtesy of Marcus Brigstock)


Maybe people should look at what Tony Bliar has been saying for the last few weeks, 'vote remain' and look at how he's trying to shape the future of the UK even now with his unwelcome interfering and 'guest star' appearances on the shameful Sky news, ITV and BBC.


Remainers have continuously attacked Farage's integrity, well Blair makes Farage look like Mother Theresa.


If the decision whether to go to war with Iraq was put to the people in a referendum, there would be no enquiry now, there would have been no war.


---------- Post added 06-07-2016 at 22:53 ----------


I'll tell you what,it damn well better be better,for millions,and not just by a little bit or a statistic telling you you are better off,but by a tangible life changing amount that these millions can actually see in a greatly improved quality of life............let's see how long they are going to wait before they start asking questions as to when it will happen,or why it hasn't already happened.


Have you asked the same questions of the politicians who continue to throw public money at the banks? Have you felt the Quantitative Easing trickling down because I haven't?!

Edited by Lex Luthor
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Guest sibon




Have you felt the Quantitative Easing trickling down because I haven't?!


You absolutely, certainly have. You might not recognise it, but you'd definitely be poorer without QE

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You absolutely, certainly have. You might not recognise it, but you'd definitely be poorer without QE


In what way? Acording to a Bank of England report QE has benefited mainly the wealthy, and that 40% of those gains went to the richest 5% of British households.

Edited by apelike
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