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EU Referendum, would you change your vote?

Would you change your vote in the 2016 EU referendum?  

138 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you change your vote in the 2016 EU referendum?

    • Yes: Change from Leave to Remain.
    • Yes: Change from Remain to Leave.
    • No: I voted to Leave and I'm happy with my decision.
    • No: I voted to Remain and I'm happy with my decision.
    • N/A: I didn't vote.

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So you're saying that over 17 million people were duped? righto. :roll:


Claims were made, the other side poured scorn on them, we all observed this, and made our judgements. To say that most Brexiters were duped is patronising at best, and a lie at worst.

Well said.


Also people seem to conveniently forget that UKIP won the 2014 European election in the UK. It was that election result which forced David Cameron to promise the EU referendum in the 2015 General Election campaign.

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As for the £350m claim. It was made. It was also a lie. A very clear lie,


I'm prepared to concede that the leave camp allowed some people to be mislead about spending 350 mil on the NHS (even though theoretically it could)


What I feel that the remain camp are trying to do is imply that the very notion that Britain even pays out 350 mil a week to the EU at all is false which it just isn't.

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Guest sibon
I'm prepared to concede that the leave camp allowed some people to be mislead about spending 350 mil on the NHS (even though theoretically it could)


What I feel that the remain camp are trying to do is imply that the very notion that Britain even pays out 350 mil a week to the EU at all is false which it just isn't.


I'm not sure that we do give the EU £350m per week. We certainly don't give them £350m net.


Once the negotiating teams have finished getting trade deals, Science deals, Education deals and the rest, there won't be much of the £350m left anyway.

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Some of these people now regret their decision to vote Leave and the media have coined the verbs "Bregret" or "Regrexit". Is this just a media none story or is there a sizable number of people who would change their mind given a second chance?


Some people never learn. (And no, that's not a go at Remainers or Leavers before anyone jumps the gun!)


Do you not think it strange that none of the Leavers are talking about regretting their decision, only the Remainers are talking about the Leavers who regret their decision?


The young historian and Remainer, Kate Williams was talking about "massive voter regret" on Friday night's newsnight - only the day after the referendum! How strange is that? How could she or anyone know that? I'll tell you why, because this was already going to be the argument trotted out in an attempt to ignore the referendum results. Talk about historians shaping history!


Why was this trotted out so early on our screens and why has it been touted around ever since by some Remainers? Not only on our screens but also in newspapers that should frankly know better and be ashamed of themselves, like The Guardian. I can tell you why because this sly tactic has worked before in stealing a referendum from the people, and not too far away from here.


Anyone remember the Irish EU referendum? I do. The people voted to reject the EU treaty, except on a far, far lower turnout.


Anyone remember what the press was spinning to the rest of the world after the people voted? I do. I hope some of you can remember too.


The very next day on our screens we were told of "the massive voter regret as the people of Ireland didn't understand the complexities" on all our news programmes. I didn't even know they were voting, but I sure heard about this voter regret and ignorance of the complexities over the next few days and weeks. Ring any bells now?


No doubt this was coupled with threats to the people of Ireland, like we have witnessed from our government and big business in the UK both before and after the referendum, most of them empty ones.


It was a way of saving face to the rest of the world, 'oh we're not going against the will of the people, it's just that they're thick and need saving from themselves, so we need to give them another chance, it's only fair, it's what the people really want.'


Well, guess what? They had another referendum and guess what? The 1% got the result they wanted. 1% being my shorthand for the privileged, elite, media and press barons and big business major stakeholders. The very ones who are doing the threatening now in the UK.


Now, at this stage, did they have another referendum to make sure, or did we hear anything else about it on our news? Hell no, because the people who hold the most political power in the world, big business, the 1%, got the result it wanted. It all went quiet again.


It worked for the 1% in Ireland.


I started with 'Some people never learn' but fortunately, the people of the UK are learning fast.


And, for the record, my partner voted Remain and told me because of the disgust they have for how this referendum has been subsequently handled by politicians, big business and the media, coupled with what my partner views as arrogance from some of the Remainers witnessed on TV, they will be voting Leave too if there is a next time. Even though my partner voted Remain due to feeling workers’ rights would be better protected in the EU, my partner says that we need to adhere to democratic process if we are to have any hope of democracy, and not allow vociferous Londoners to dictate to the rest of the country.


Let's hope there are lots of people who also realise how they are being played in case the 1% try to steal UK democracy.



---------- Post added 04-07-2016 at 21:15 ----------


Here it is.


I chose a pictorial format so that everybody could understand it :wink:


I honestly want to thank you for that because that is the first time I have seen any proof that this statement was ever even put out there.


It is good to see the source of it, and I hope that now people will see the man standing in front of that and stop attributing it to Farage.


Yes, you're right, it is disgusting and misleading. I'm glad I didn't vote on the basis of that and I'm confident many others won't have, just like they didn't vote on the basis that they were threatened by Cameron and Osborne that their pensions would be cut.


Oh, sorry, I've just got the arrogant quip now, didn't notice that at first! I think I've already covered 'arrogance' above, so I'll not comment further on that.

Edited by Lex Luthor
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What pledge? PLEASE tell us who said that and when.


Well this was the campaign bus for the Leave campaign. Did that mean something else? Because if it did, you should tell Chris Grayling, an official member of the Levae campaign and Tory Cabinet member who said the idea of spending £350 million a week on the NHS instead of the EU was only “an aspiration”.

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I voted to leave , Ive always wanted to leave ,and now we are leaving


Happy Days


---------- Post added 04-07-2016 at 20:35 ----------



Im still waiting for the remain camps promised Armageddon and world war three.


No sign of it here.


Maybe they were lying


No, it was Boris who referred to World War 3, when he misrepresented what Cameron had said. He also threw in Bubonic Plague for good measure. But accuracy (or to use the correct term "truth") was never Boris's strong point.

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Some people never learn. (And no, that's not a go at Remainers or Leavers before anyone jumps the gun!)


Do you not think it strange that none of the Leavers are talking about regretting their decision, only the Remainers are talking about the Leavers who regret their decision?


Well this was my reason for asking the question. The media would have us think it is a large proportion of the voters would, if they could change their vote.


Brexit research suggests 1.2 million Leave voters regret their choice in reversal that could change result



The above has both research and interviews with people stating they would change their vote to Remain. This poll on SF with a total of 54 responses is hardly representative of the population, but its interesting none the less to see what peoples opinion is.

Edited by Berberis
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Guest sibon


I honestly want to thank you for that because that is the first time I have seen any proof that this statement was ever even put out there.


I found it using a well known search engine which is open to all to use:)



Yes, you're right, it is disgusting and misleading. I'm glad I didn't vote on the basis of that and I'm confident many others won't have, just like they didn't vote on the basis that they were threatened by Cameron and Osborne that their pensions would be cut.


I despair of our political leaders. We've just had the most important election of my lifetime. It was characterised by lies, half truths, insults and character assasination.


Once it was all over, those who we expected to lead us out of the mess have all buggered off, with the exception of Corbyn, who really ought to:) So, we have to get through potentially the most difficult period in our post war history, with second division leadership.


We deserve better really.

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