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EU Referendum, would you change your vote?

Would you change your vote in the 2016 EU referendum?  

138 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you change your vote in the 2016 EU referendum?

    • Yes: Change from Leave to Remain.
    • Yes: Change from Remain to Leave.
    • No: I voted to Leave and I'm happy with my decision.
    • No: I voted to Remain and I'm happy with my decision.
    • N/A: I didn't vote.

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I found it using a well known search engine which is open to all to use:)





I despair of our political leaders. We've just had the most important election of my lifetime. It was characterised by lies, half truths, insults and character assasination.


Once it was all over, those who we expected to lead us out of the mess have all buggered off, with the exception of Corbyn, who really ought to:) So, we have to get through potentially the most difficult period in our post war history, with second division leadership.


We deserve better really.


Despite what you patronising sorts keep saying, we're all big enough and ugly enough to make our own judgements on how the campaign was conducted.

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It is good to see the source of it, and I hope that now people will see the man standing in front of that and stop attributing it to Farage.


In this he didn't say the money should go exclusively to the NHS, but he says Schools, hospitals and GP's. So 2 out of 3, but then said on ITV after the result he would never have made that claim.


Video evidence emerges of Nigel Farage pledging EU millions for NHS weeks before Brexit vote


The Ukip leader on Friday morning denied having endorsed a pledge to spend Britain’s EU contribution on the NHS just hours after the referendum results came in.




So associating Farage with this claim is valid.

Edited by Berberis
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I found it using a well known search engine which is open to all to use:)





I despair of our political leaders. We've just had the most important election of my lifetime. It was characterised by lies, half truths, insults and character assasination.


Once it was all over, those who we expected to lead us out of the mess have all buggered off, with the exception of Corbyn, who really ought to:) So, we have to get through potentially the most difficult period in our post war history, with second division leadership.


We deserve better really.


Can't argue with that. Politicians have been spectacularly poor.


There are two facets to this.


The referendum has shown that votes matter. This may entice more people to think about getting involved in elections in future, which is a good thing, IMO.


However, it has also brought out the worst in politicians of both persuasionss, using half truths, downright lies and dog whistle rhetoric to get their way. This has set the political system further back in the public perception.


Unfortuantely, I think the latter has and will come out on top.

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In this he didn't say the money should go exclusively to the NHS, but he says Schools, hospitals and GP's. So 2 out of 3 but he said on ITV after the result he would never have made that claim.




So associating Farage with this claim is valid.


The 350 mil figure isn't a net figure paid to the EU, but is the amount initially debited each week, so it clearly exists.


In the end whatever savings are made from not paying into EU membership could of course be spent on the NHS, schools or GP's etc, if a government so chose. Why is that not true?

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Guest sibon
The 350 mil figure isn't a net figure paid to the EU, but is the amount initially debited each week, so it clearly exists.


In the end whatever savings are made from not paying into EU membership could of course be spent on the NHS, schools or GP's etc, if a government so chose. Why is that not true?


Partly because we will need to use some of it to pay to be in the EEA, or similar.


You don't get owt for nowt.

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Brexit research suggests 1.2 million Leave voters regret their choice in reversal that could change result



The above has both research and interviews with people stating they would change their vote to Remain. This poll on SF with a total of 54 responses is hardly representative of the population, but its interesting none the less to see what peoples opinion is.


The above "Opinium "poll is also hardly representative with a sample of only "2006 online interviews with UK adults." They have weighted the sample of 2006 and come up with a figure of 1.2 million.

Edited by apelike
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Well this was the campaign bus for the Leave campaign. Did that mean something else?


Yes, I've seen that, and it doesn't infer that is what's going to happen, however, the pic that sibon pointed out (with a bit of arrogance for good measure) indeed does in my opinion.


---------- Post added 04-07-2016 at 21:53 ----------


In this he didn't say the money should go exclusively to the NHS, but he says Schools, hospitals and GP's. So 2 out of 3 but he said on ITV after the result he would never have made that claim.




So associating Farage with this claim is valid.


Video evidence emerges of Nigel Farage pledging EU millions for NHS weeks before Brexit vote


The Ukip leader on Friday morning denied having endorsed a pledge to spend Britain’s EU contribution on the NHS just hours after the referendum results came in.





I would urge everyone to watch that video as it supports exactly what I have been saying all along and it comes directly from the horses mouth. Farage does say that he would like the UK to have the say on where that money his spent and he says personally he would like it to be spent on schools, hospitals, and GPs. He is then typically accused of saying he would give 350m to the NHS and asked if this is true and he clearly says no, and that this was a mistake in his opinion, by the Leave campaign. On every interview I have ever seen he always said this.


Do you at least see the language that is used by 'The Independent!!?!' to describe this footage? Just how 'Independent' is that? Are you getting how we are being played yet? 'Just hours after the referendum came in'? He'd been saying that for days before the referendum, whenever he was asked about it.


I've never been a friend of Farage, but this is a perfect example of spin, lies, and false accusations by the press and wider media and hopefully shows people what they are doing.

Edited by Lex Luthor
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Guest sibon
So how much should we charge the EU for free access to the UK market?


We can turn inwards if you like.


Do you have any good recipes for turnips?

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