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Car accident/scam

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Hi guys,


I had an accident 4 months ago (my fault) it was just paint damage and scratches. 3rd party obviously claimed and the insurance paid out on the damage & rightly so. The driver wasn't injured and either was the kids I was only going 10mph.


Anyway my mate (who was in the front passenger seat) has started a job last week in a car insurance company (would you believe it), All his colleagues are saying he should claim because I have a lease car and I just pay monthly through work (salary sacrifice scheme) he keeps saying it wont affect me because theirs a black mark against me already from the 3rd party claiming. I told him when I start paying for my own insurance after 3 years surely this will affect me then because when you go on these compare websites it asks how much was the accident or something like that, so the more I'm putting in the more my premiums go up I don't know am not an expert but apparently it will only have an affect on your monthly premiums if its over the cap of 50k that's what hes been told.


Anyway hes gone the doctors yesterday so they can file it and hes gone to a no win no fee sols. I dont want him claiming in case it affects my work if they find out hes not injured etc you would think because hes a mate he wouldn't do this but because hes done all his research hes saying its not going to impact me.


I mean should I warn the insurance company or what? If I do what will happen?


Before you guys start I know already what kinda a friend is this if he can do this to his mates. Etc.



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