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Chilcot report.

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Google Operation Avarice. The NY Times broke the story.


And, wrt to yellowcake:




Did chilcott mention it? Why didn't Blair?


"I'd do it again. Oh and we did find WMDs which makes me right and chilcott wrong." But he didn't say that. Surely, as he's being vilified by all and sundry (the BBC is still reporting no WMDs found) he would challenge the status quo.

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Did chilcott mention it? Why didn't Blair?


"I'd do it again. Oh and we did find WMDs which makes me right and chilcott wrong." But he didn't say that. Surely, as he's being vilified by all and sundry (the BBC is still reporting no WMDs found) he would challenge the status quo.


I can't honestly tell you Tinf. I think because the Iraq War was predicated on the idea that Saddam was actively pursuing more WMDs. This was not the case. The WMDs found were old degraded stock from the 80s. They should have already been destroyed according to UN sanctions.


The US believed Saddam continued to develop and stockpile new WMDS. Hence Resolution 1441 (which also mentioned terrorism and human rights violations). That allowed the inspectors to return to Iraq. Amongst other things 1,000 tonnes of VX gas was unaccounted for. Hans Blix felt that Iraq should know where this was but was being uncooperative. However, inspectors found no evidence of WMD production.


For the US this was still enough to show non-compliance and the UK and others agreed, so they invaded.



---------- Post added 10-07-2016 at 23:44 ----------


that a disguarded enrichment process not WMD


Yes, but why did it he have it? It was stock from when he was actively trying to build a nuclear weapon. Which Blair and Bush believed he was still pursuing. As it turned out, he wasn't.


I said in an earlier post that the Marines found the yellowcake, which is perhaps misleading since the UN knew it was there and it was sealed and subjected to supervision.

Edited by Radan
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Did chilcott mention it? Why didn't Blair?


"I'd do it again. Oh and we did find WMDs which makes me right and chilcott wrong." But he didn't say that. Surely, as he's being vilified by all and sundry (the BBC is still reporting no WMDs found) he would challenge the status quo.


Maybe when he changed to Catholic, reprubtion for the Crusades's

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Maybe when he changed to Catholic, reprubtion for the Crusades's


Don't forget the campaign to disarm Saddam started after the First Gulf War and the US and UK had bombed Iraq in 1998 to 'degrade' Saddam's ability to make WMDs. This was because Saddam had stopped cooperating with UN weapon's inspectors. This is often forgotten.

Edited by Radan
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