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Tony Blair should go down in history as the worst PM this country has had.

I think he was told by David Kelly who was a scientist on biological warfare that there was no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and look what happened to him, he was discredited and he supposedly committed Suicide.


The world would have been a better place if Blair had never been born.

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Tony Blair should go down in history as the worst PM this country has had.

I think he was told by David Kelly who was a scientist on biological warfare that there was no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and look what happened to him, he was discredited and he supposedly committed Suicide.


The world would have been a better place if Blair had never been born.


You should read more history.

Edited by 999tigger
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Tony Blair should go down in history as the worst PM this country has had.

I think he was told by David Kelly who was a scientist on biological warfare that there was no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and look what happened to him, he was discredited and he supposedly committed Suicide.


The world would have been a better place if Blair had never been born.


With that statement are you claiming Tony Blair gave specific instructions for David Kelly to be killed???


I would strongly advise you to read what Dr Kelly actually thought.



Edited by Radan
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1. He was left in power after the first Gulf War because they didnt have the authority under UN resolition for rehime change. It was just to remove him from Kuwait.


2. My point was that the reason the 2nd Gulf War became controversial wasnt just because they didnt find the wmd's, but because the post conflict planning was so poor and draged on. thats where we lost the most casualties. They messed it up not keeping on the Iraqi army etc, so everything collapsed and we got dragged in. Thats not about Topny Blair war criminal, its a just a mess up.


No, you were right the first time. There were no WMDs. End of. We knew we what he had, we (and our allies) sold it to him, he wasn't cooking the stuff in camper van somewhere. Between the rest of the world and hans blix it was fairly certain he didn't have any or at the very least contained. But some gobby taxi driver (iirc) was enough to convince two governments to go to war, nay invade, a country that was no threat. 45 mins to Armageddon? Tony Blair said he needed to make a case to go to war. Shouldn't that say it all? It wasn't good enough to persuade most of our other nato allies (and their various intelligence agencies) to join (unlike Afghanistan) who clearly had more sense than believe that hogwash.


You can talk about oil but it was a revenge mission for 9/11 because they couldn't find bin laden. Blair wanted to go down in history. That he did.

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I disagree with you on all points:

1) Gaddafi was gotten rid of by his own people after a civil war.

2) The second Iraq war was not started because Saddam started selling oil in euros.

3) I'm not ashamed to be British because some of our old cluster bombs are being used in Yemen. We don't make them anymore. We don't sell them anymore.


And I disagree with Brian's whole post :)


---------- Post added 06-07-2016 at 19:20 ----------



A cynic might say he was just voting against his own party. Again.


He didn't resign like Short or Cook did.


Thats because the West had destroyed his ability to defend against the rebels

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Thats because the West had destroyed his ability to defend against the rebels


Jordan, Qatar and the UAE were involved. It wasn't the West, it was NATO and the intervention was to prevent further crimes against humanity.

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Jordan, Qatar and the UAE were involved. It wasn't the West, it was NATO and the intervention was to prevent crimes against humanity.


They really stopped that didn't they, look at the mess now. It about time we stopped imposing our beliefs on how countries are run, I know its a bit late now. Instead of changing states into democracies, all we have done is change places from Tyranny into Anarchy.

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They really stopped that didn't they, look at the mess now. It about time we stopped imposing our beliefs on how countries are run, I know its a bit late now. Instead of changing states into democracies, all we have done is change places from Tyranny into Anarchy.


Well, I'd agree with you about Iraq. Libya is different; were not for the Arab Spring we'd probably quite cheerfully still be doing business with Gaddafi. However, when the Civil War started in 2011 NATO decreed it must intervene to prevent crimes against humanity. You might want to argue we should have just left them to it, but is that the right thing to do? NATO and the UN has also intervened elsewhere for similar reasons.


And that was the point I was making to Tigger too; there was no UN backing to depose Saddam in 91. Because it was better having him in place.

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I was listening to the families of some servicemen who had been killed in the Gulf War today, and I couldn't help wondering if the families of the servicemen who wern't killed have the same views?

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