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Odd Request.. Seeking homeowners with Foxes & Badgers!

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First post from me... and it's a bit of an odd one but bear with me here!


I'm a local nature photographer, recently started working full time and I've been searching high and low for two illusive mammals to photograph, with no success! Those are Badgers and Foxes!


I know these animals are often either loved or hated, but I'm working hard to promote conservation and tolerance of these, in my opinion, gorgeous animals!


Basically, I'm trying to track down any homeowners or land owners who have either of these animals as visitors or permanent residents in their gardens or property, in order to try and capture some images!


As a huge thanks, I would be more than happy to provide some prints of anything I do capture at your homes, and I would genuinely be eternally grateful as you will be helping me get on my feet with my new venture into being a self employed photographer. Again... I know this is a bizarre request but I'm running out of options :)



If you do have any information on where I might find any of these animals, could you please message me rather than posting locations publicly, purely down to the fact that this information could be used by people with bad intentions....




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You know Badgers are mainly nocturnal animals right?


More than aware, but during summer with limited foraging time, they will often come out whilst it's still light in the evenings.

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