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Philando Castile - killed by police in Minnesota

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I posted my link in good faith and it has no bearing on my opinion about the OP. Here is an extract from the link I posted.


'Some may find evidence of police bias in the fact that blacks make up 26% of the police-shooting victims, compared with their 13% representation in the national population. But as residents of poor black neighborhoods know too well, violent crimes are disproportionately committed by blacks. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, blacks were charged with 62% of all robberies, 57% of murders and 45% of assaults in the 75 largest U.S. counties in 2009, though they made up roughly 15% of the population there.


Such a concentration of criminal violence in minority communities means that officers will be disproportionately confronting armed and often resisting suspects in those communities, raising officers’ own risk of using lethal force.'


Which is of course very much at odds from runningmans statement that there is no difference between black and white killings.


Poor people commit more crime as they have more need for money.

The easiest way of getting that is by violence.

Ergo more poor people are going to get into this confrontations.


Most black people in the US are poorer than whites. That's one of the main reasons that they are over represented in these figures. Add to that the racial stereotyping that black people "cause trouble" - because they are poor - because of historical racism, and you end up in the situation we are in today.


It's then excacerbated by people saying theres no difference between black and white. On paper there isn't. On the ground the segregation is there for many to see...

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Is that important?


Why did you post the link? Do you agree with it? You're not prepared to defend it's assertions or discuss it, so how is it contributing to the debate? :huh:


Im not concerned by your pedantry. Just because you want a response, that does not entitle you to one.

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You obviously missed my post saying that Blacks commit more crime than Caucasians. This includes violent crime.


I wasn't aware you had opined on the issue.


Assuming what you say is true, how is it explained?


Are black people predisposed to commit disproportionately high amounts of crime?

Are crime statistics merely a reflection of socio-economic background?

Is the black community disproportionately targeted by police?

Is black crime over reported?


---------- Post added 11-07-2016 at 16:32 ----------


Jesus, that looks like something Rod Liddle would ask in one of his columns.


Google it. There are a few hacks claiming so, but nothing in Nature.


I wonder how many people contributing to this debate believe it though?

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A peaceful protest in Dallas (Black lives matter) has resulted in (quite possible ex-army) two shooters taking down 12 policemen and killing 5 of those.


All lives matter. Shooting people is wrong, no matter whether you carry a badge or not.


Why do people say "shooters" instead of "gunmen" ? More Americanisms creeping in :(


Or is "shooters" gender neutral :hihi:


---------- Post added 11-07-2016 at 15:56 ----------


Apologies but only read page 1 of messages so...Presumably most Americans carry guns all colours, ethnicities, creeds etc. Are not the claims of racism against police shooting Black people valid due to the possibility that a canteen culture of unconscious racism exists within the police, that they insidiously associate black people with crime and violence therefore any white officer on the front line who comes into conflict with a black person is hyped up, anxious and pre conditioned to believe he will pull a gun. ?


Or is that complete <removed>, please tell me if it is I won't be offended ?

Edited by Groose
masked swearing
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Which is of course very much at odds from runningmans statement that there is no difference between black and white killings.


Poor people commit more crime as they have more need for money.

The easiest way of getting that is by violence.

Ergo more poor people are going to get into this confrontations.


Most black people in the US are poorer than whites. That's one of the main reasons that they are over represented in these figures. Add to that the racial stereotyping that black people "cause trouble" - because they are poor - because of historical racism, and you end up in the situation we are in today.


It's then excacerbated by people saying theres no difference between black and white. On paper there isn't. On the ground the segregation is there for many to see...


Very good points. The same can be said of decades of "stop and search" policies implemented by police in the UK. There is plenty of evidence that these disproportionately and for no good reason have been applied to non-white people. By stopping and searching them more than white people, the law of averages means that a percentage will be found to have committed a crime and a disproportionate number of non-white people will be convicted. This can then be presented as a reason for continuing disproportionate stop and search of non-white people. And so it goes, round and round.

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Why do people say "shooters" instead of "gunmen" ? More Americanisms creeping in :(


Or is "shooters" gender neutral :hihi:


---------- Post added 11-07-2016 at 15:56 ----------


Apologies but only read page 1 of messages so...Presumably most Americans carry guns all colours, ethnicities, creeds etc. Are not the claims of racism against police shooting Black people valid due to the possibility that a canteen culture of unconscious racism exists within the police, that they insidiously associate black people with crime and violence therefore any white officer on the front line who comes into conflict with a black person is hyped up, anxious and pre conditioned to believe he will pull a gun. ?


Or is that complete<removed>, please tell me if it is I won't be offended ?


Can't imagine in cities such as LA, New York, Baltimore, Washington and others that there would be such a culture. Perhaps in the South?


Here are some stats that show how the percentage of white police officers compares to the white population they serve.



Edited by Groose
quoting masked swearing
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Can't imagine in cities such as LA, New York, Baltimore, Washington and others that there would be such a culture. Perhaps in the South?]


I think it's optimistic to think that unconscious racism is absent from metropolitan areas. How many otherwise liberal people have you heard recount some tale or escapade involving a "huge black guy"? Whenever I've challenged anyone that they would never talk about a "huge white guy" they've been surprised and not been able to explain the discrepancy. It's pretty obvious though; our society has decided that big black guys are scarier and meaner than big white guys, with very negative consequences for big black guys.

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I think it's optimistic to think that unconscious racism is absent from metropolitan areas. How many otherwise liberal people have you heard recount some tale or escapade involving a "huge black guy"? Whenever I've challenged anyone that they would never talk about a "huge white guy" they've been surprised and not been able to explain the discrepancy. It's pretty obvious though; our society has decided that big black guys are scarier and meaner than big white guys, with very negative consequences for big black guys.


You are right. Black people, especially males are considered to be more of a threat in our society. A study by Goff in the US showed that children as young as 10 were judged to be wiser and more culpable for criminal actions than white children.

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