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Philando Castile - killed by police in Minnesota

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You have proof for that? Because I think you are very wrong indeed.


Like I've said before. Google the amount of crimes (especially violent ones) commited by blacks in USA and compare it to the amount of black people killed by us police. You will see that there is no large bias

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Sat in your car and trying to give the officer the ID he asked for is fighting back and escaping?


The last one was a case of being shot for the crime of driving whilst being black/hispanic. That's all it is.


---------- Post added 08-07-2016 at 13:40 ----------



So you are saying we should shoot more black people because they commit more crimes?


shot for the crime of driving whilst been black/Hispanic . I didn't know blacks or Hispanics weren't allowed to drive in America

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Sat in your car and trying to give the officer the ID he asked for is fighting back and escaping?


The last one was a case of being shot for the crime of driving whilst being black/hispanic. That's all it is.


---------- Post added 08-07-2016 at 13:40 ----------



So you are saying we should shoot more black people because they commit more crimes?


Ensure most of the opportunity and advantage accrues to white people, then shoot the rest for committing more crime and blame them for not trying hard enough.

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Like I've said before. Google the amount of crimes (especially violent ones) commited by blacks in USA and compare it to the amount of black people killed by us police. You will see that there is no large bias


You are the one making the assertion. Your burden of proof - I can easily dismiss without reason that asserted without evidence.

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You are the one making the assertion. Your burden of proof - I can easily dismiss without reason that asserted without evidence.


The original claim was the it is disproportionately black people that are killed, I am countering that claim by suggesting the evidence supporting the claim is floored.


I am unable to supply links on the device I am using, but I have told you where to find it, if you dont want to look, it is entirely up to you.

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I think black lives matter are getting their own back right now on white lives don't matter. All white police can't be bad. 11 shot and some dead for doing their job? There were black officers on duty at the same time but were not targeted.


Who is in the wrong here?




False flag! In the next few days, I bet it will be announced that the USA are driving to change the constitution. By removing the "right to bare arms"


---------- Post added 09-07-2016 at 19:22 ----------


I have heard that the cop in question was in fact Hispanic himself. His name is Jeronimo Yanez.


Did he say he was the one who fired all six shots into a restrained man or was the other 3 by his partner?

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Is it me or does anyone else find it strange that the woman seems fairly calm having just seen a man seriously shot next to her, and her reaction is to film the event and not go to the mans aid?


Mhmm she doesn't sound so calm to me. Plus the cop is still pointing his gun into the car. He sounds more aggravated than she does, I admit. Perhaps why she didn't want to make sudden movements to help her boyfriend...

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Is it me or does anyone else find it strange that the woman seems fairly calm having just seen a man seriously shot next to her, and her reaction is to film the event and not go to the mans aid?


Hmm. She may just have been terrified and in shock. Just a guess.


---------- Post added 09-07-2016 at 20:59 ----------


Like I've said before. Google the amount of crimes (especially violent ones) commited by blacks in USA and compare it to the amount of black people killed by us police. You will see that there is no large bias


Difficult to believe that apologists for what are effectively summary executions actually show their faces.


---------- Post added 09-07-2016 at 21:07 ----------


the facts are that US police are trigger happy beyond belief and rarely face any consequences for killing citizens, even unarmed ones. They killed about 3 young black men every day last year.


it is no surprise at all that the people are getting angry. we can only hope the sniper incident last night is the last of its kind. No one should die doing their job, but then again neither should anyone be killed by police when there are so many other ways of incapacitating people when this is necessary.


here are some stats

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