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Philando Castile - killed by police in Minnesota

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Rather than dance around statistics, I’d like to ask the following:


Does anyone believe African Americans are genetically predisposed to be more criminal than other races in the United States?


I’m convinced some people think the answer is ‘yes’ but would never dare reveal their hand.


well i am not sure its Genetic but i am sure its borne out of a repressed attitude going back to the days of slavery and the attitude of entitlement now? without having to put the work in, this also applies to other races including whites but the African Americans and Hispanics do tend to be seen more in high profile violent crime????

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This is interesting reading: http://www.dailywire.com/news/7264/5-statistics-you-need-know-about-cops-killing-aaron-bandler


1. Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015.

There are, what, five times as many white people, so that's not proportionate is it.

White American 223,553,265 72.4 %

Black American 38,929,319 12.6 %

2. More whites and Hispanics die from police homicides than blacks.

Not proportionally more.

3. The Post's data does show that unarmed black men are more likely to die by the gun of a cop than an unarmed white man...but this does not tell the whole story.

It's telling the important bit.

4. Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers.

So it's not always white/black racism, only sometimes.

5. Blacks are more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops.

I'd like to see the maths behind that.

These are not my claims either so please don't question me on them like I wrote the article.


That's a cop out. Either you agree with the agenda the article is pushing, or you failed to think about the numbers critically. Either way, if you post something, you can expect to be questioned on it.

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Rather than dance around statistics, I’d like to ask the following:


Does anyone believe African Americans are genetically predisposed to be more criminal than other races in the United States?


I’m convinced some people think the answer is ‘yes’ but would never dare reveal their hand.


As there is no such thing as a criminal gene, the answer would be no, but then again that is a very simple answer to a complex question and this is why people shy away from such certainties.


---------- Post added 11-07-2016 at 13:22 ----------


There are, what, five times as many white people, so that's not proportionate is it.

White American 223,553,265 72.4 %

Black American 38,929,319 12.6 %


Not proportionally more.

It's telling the important bit.

So it's not always white/black racism, only sometimes.

I'd like to see the maths behind that.


That's a cop out. Either you agree with the agenda the article is pushing, or you failed to think about the numbers critically. Either way, if you post something, you can expect to be questioned on it.


I feel I need to remind you of this comment:


These are not my claims either so please don't question me on them like I wrote the article.
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I feel I need to remind you of this comment:


I feel I need to repeat my reply


That's a cop out. Either you agree with the agenda the article is pushing, or you failed to think about the numbers critically. Either way, if you post something, you can expect to be questioned on it.


I'm going to add.


"over the last 10 years, an average of 27 officers were killed by gunfire that was not accidental during the same period, according to Mr Stoughton, citing the FBI's Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted data."


Which makes it highly likely that this claim is misleading or just wrong.

5. Blacks are more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops.

Young black men were nine times more likely than other Americans to be killed by police officers in 2015, according to the findings of a Guardian study that recorded a final tally of 1,134 deaths at the hands of law enforcement officers this year.

Yep. So that's an out and out lie then isn't it.


The 24 is the average for all police deaths by firearm (not accidental), ignoring the race of the perpetrator.

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No, im asking you. Not others - I would be interested in your answers, especially since every device will elt you do copy and paste and failing that you can just say where the evidence is it's not tricky.


That's of course, assuming the evidence exists.


I have told you. Google crime by race in the us. Compare the black % to the percentage of people killed by police that are black (about 30%). This will tell you how likely a policeman is to kill a black person when responding to an alleged crime.


My point is that this is a fair better barometer than the one used by the mainstream media.


The evidence has been posted by others. Radan posted a link you might want to look at.

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I feel I need to repeat my reply


That's a cop out. Either you agree with the agenda the article is pushing, or you failed to think about the numbers critically. Either way, if you post something, you can expect to be questioned on it.


I'm going to add.


"over the last 10 years, an average of 27 officers were killed by gunfire that was not accidental during the same period, according to Mr Stoughton, citing the FBI's Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted data."


Which makes it highly likely that this claim is misleading or just wrong.



Yep. So that's an out and out lie then isn't it.


The 24 is the average for all police deaths by firearm (not accidental), ignoring the race of the perpetrator.


The Daily Wire is only reporting the stats from the original Wall Street Journal article.


Judge for yourself.



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Rather than dance around statistics, I’d like to ask the following:


Does anyone believe African Americans are genetically predisposed to be more criminal than other races in the United States?


I’m convinced some people think the answer is ‘yes’ but would never dare reveal their hand.


I think you are certainly right. Another useful question to ask is "if by some accident of history Black people in the US were generally quite privileged and high earning, would they commit the same level of crime as at present?" I think the answer would have to be "no". This is as much to do with economic class as it is to do with race, although it's clearly possible to argue that in the US your ethnicity effects the economic class you will find yourself in.

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I have told you. Google crime by race in the us. Compare the black % to the percentage of people killed by police that are black (about 30%). This will tell you how likely a policeman is to kill a black person when responding to an alleged crime.


My point is that this is a fair better barometer than the one used by the mainstream media.


The evidence has been posted by others. Radan posted a link you might want to look at.


No that's NOT what you said. You said... (emphasis mine)


The fact is that there is no difference between the number of black people and the number of white people killed per police interaction.


I asked you to justify that. You haven't. Other people haven't - the postings that they have made that you claim support your argument in fact show that black people are more likely to be killed than white people.


So I'll ask again - have you any evidence for your claim that "...there is no difference between the number of black people and the number of white people killed per police interaction." or if you cannot provide any good evidence are you going to retract it?

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No that's NOT what you said. You said... (emphasis mine)




I asked you to justify that. You haven't. Other people haven't - the postings that they have made that you claim support your argument in fact show that black people are more likely to be killed than white people.


So I'll ask again - have you any evidence for your claim that "...there is no difference between the number of black people and the number of white people killed per police interaction." or if you cannot provide any good evidence are you going to retract it?


I posted my link in good faith and it has no bearing on my opinion about the OP. Here is an extract from the link I posted.


'Some may find evidence of police bias in the fact that blacks make up 26% of the police-shooting victims, compared with their 13% representation in the national population. But as residents of poor black neighborhoods know too well, violent crimes are disproportionately committed by blacks. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, blacks were charged with 62% of all robberies, 57% of murders and 45% of assaults in the 75 largest U.S. counties in 2009, though they made up roughly 15% of the population there.


Such a concentration of criminal violence in minority communities means that officers will be disproportionately confronting armed and often resisting suspects in those communities, raising officers’ own risk of using lethal force.'

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