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Women to be allowed to serve on the front line combat operations.

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But a woman pc killed in the line of duty will illicit a greater emotive response than a male pc.


Perhaps it does with some members of the community, BUT they are still allowed to be front line officers who are directly protecting the public,yet we appear to hold military female personnel in a higher regard.

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But women have served in front line and died in the line of duty in front line roles.

Female medics and a female dog handler have been killed in Afghanistan while out on patrol with infantry units.

Women have been to war and killed in combat.

I have worked with female colleagues and patrolled with them in N.Ireland, Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq and had no issues whatsoever.

They did the training, they passed the course and that was it.

I think that because The PM is putting his name to a piece of paper making it official that this has raised a non story in the news.

Edited by monkey104
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During the Second World War the Soviet Army had female soldiers due to the shortage of men they proved they were as capable as men and just has brave. I remember when the ban was lifted on gays serving in UK forces the same arguments were made the voice's of doom were out in force all turned out to be incorrect.

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i think women do have a place in the front line but only certain areas, fighter pilot yes , sniper yes, tank commander yes, but infantry which could involve hand to hand combat no way, if i was in a front line situation i know who i would want by my side and its not a woman!

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Modern men are wimps so expect to see more women take up the position. A great example was Hebun Sinya who was killed in the final push to rid Kobane of ISIS militants. Get caught by this bunch and you would get more than a vasectomy.

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Modern men are wimps so expect to see more women take up the position. A great example was Hebun Sinya who was killed in the final push to rid Kobane of ISIS militants. Get caught by this bunch and you would get more than a vasectomy.


Dont compare us all the the standards set by your fella love.

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i think women do have a place in the front line but only certain areas, fighter pilot yes , sniper yes, tank commander yes, but infantry which could involve hand to hand combat no way, if i was in a front line situation i know who i would want by my side and its not a woman!



As I have said they are out there, on the ground doing the job.

It's a bit of a moot point as all soldiers are trained as infantry in basic training before going on to complete whatever trade.


Take your misogyny to a forum that will appreciate it. SF doesn't.

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