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Unemployment down to 1.69 million

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Actually it was achieved by the government since 2010. The last Labour government increased unemployment over their 13 year term, whilst we were in the EU. UK unemployment is running at around half the rate in the rest of the EU, probably because we refused to join the Eurozone, rejected Schengen, kept a Eurosceptic outlook and generally fought every attempt at federalism.


All still in the EU though, and with an EU membership as you describe very well that is adapted to our needs.


Oh well, onwards and upwards (unemployment that is). Nice while it lasted

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All still in the EU though, and with an EU membership as you describe very well that is adapted to our needs.


Oh well, onwards and upwards (unemployment that is). Nice while it lasted


It seems to worry some. It doesn't worry others. I note an opionion poll from yesterday where rather more people thought we will be better off out of the EU once things settle down than thought we would be worse off. I'm one of them and looking forward to a future beyond the grasp of Juncker.


The EU may well have been adapted to our needs, but sadly the direction in which it was heading wasn't.

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It seems to worry some. It doesn't worry others. I note an opionion poll from yesterday where rather more people thought we will be better off out of the EU once things settle down than thought we would be worse off. I'm one of them and looking forward to a future beyond the grasp of Juncker.


The EU may well have been adapted to our needs, but sadly the direction in which it was heading wasn't.


Where is the poll result foxy. I'd like to take a look

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Unemployment in the UK fell by 60,000 between October and December to 1.69 million, according to the Office for National Statistics.


The rate of unemployment was unchanged from a month ago at 5.1%, maintaining a decade-low rate.


More than 31.4 million people are in work, the highest figure since records began in 1971.


I have a blinkered right wing friend that blames Labour for increasing the number of claimants claiming sickness benefit; yet I have seen graphs of a gradual increase in disability claimants.

To me the vote leave vote was about people not working and 'sponging', where are these people if unemployment is on the decline?


Said this before. Its exactly like the YTS a decade or two ago. Only this time they send them back to college on a 6 week course. It is called employability. they tick them off as "working". YTS, get as many to join = lower unemployment. Employability, get as many on the course = lower unemployment.

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Said this before. Its exactly like the YTS a decade or two ago. Only this time they send them back to college on a 6 week course. It is called employability. they tick them off as "working". YTS, get as many to join = lower unemployment. Employability, get as many on the course = lower unemployment.


Where is that from? Can you reference it?

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They do get counted Anna. I've pointed this error of yours out time and time and time again. Why do you keep repeating it?



They don't get counted.


Others that don't get counted are, those who are on sanctions which could be up to 6 months, those on invalidity benefit or similar, those on workfare schemes and a lot of elderly that are now put on pension credits.

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They don't get counted.


Others that don't get counted are, those who are on sanctions which could be up to 6 months, those on invalidity benefit or similar, those on workfare schemes and a lot of elderly that are now on pension credits.


We can debate this until we weigh an ounce, or we can just pull up the OBS report. It is publicly available. Either way, we will see unemployment, measured in whatever way it is now, go up.

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We can debate this until we weigh an ounce, or we can just pull up the OBS report. It is publicly available. Either way, we will see unemployment, measured in whatever way it is now, go up.


Its not about debating but about facts now, not by looking into a crystal ball and hoping to see the future.


Cant find any link to the UK OBS report?

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Sorry, been favving about with the Open Broadcast System recently, I meant ONS report. Here is the most recent.


Of particular note, in my opinion, is this.


And then in particular the following sentence: (1974-now)

the proportion of all people working in the UK accounted for by non-UK nationals increased from 3.5% to 10.6%


In relation to this sentence:

The unemployment rate for the latest time period, February to April 2016, was 5.0%, the lowest since August to October 2005.


Demonstrating, unequivocally, that most EU migrants come here to work, not sponge off the system and they are not taking jobs of the 'British', instead adding to the economy through new jobs, considering the population has grown and the unemployment figures have come down. I am not going to lay out all the sums, but the figures mentioned in the first quote correlate extremely well with the growth of all immigrants in this country.


The only way immigration to the UK is going to reduce is through the economy suffering. May/Leadson/Johnson/Cameron know this. They never bothered to tell the voters though.

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